Hey there oh RADIANT one.
Let’s Tawk About LETTING GO (shall we?)
After my fabulous week of cranking out admittedly BRILLIANT, fresh and challenging videos, I thought it might be nice for us both to kick back a little bit with a song…
I’m not suggesting you let the song’s refrain get stuck in your head or anything…
But if it DID… What WOULD that be like? LOL…
This was one of the first songs I wrote that was inspired by my work as a healer/hypnotherapist/NLP practitioner.
People have come to me so emotionally wounded, so devastated by their childhood experiences that it literally becomes a self fulfilling prophecy…
Ultimately whatever happened in the past is gone, our memories of it and beliefs around our pasts can be healed and released. It starts with the intention of “letting go”.
And no I’m not saying that all you have to do is listen to this song a million times and anything you want to let go of will “magically” just loosen up it’s hold and sweetly drift away on the breezes like the dandy-lion seeds in the picture, BUT if you DID listen to this song a million times, it might FACILITATE it (at least a little bit).
When we release ourselves from attachment to our “horror” and “shame” stories and begin to live more and more in this sacred present moment healing can take place…
And of course it is a process we are in that sometimes seems like 2 steps forward and 1 step back, but it is happening…
Looking back at the 10 years of “lessons” since writing this song it feels like it was as much a message for me as it was for my clients…
As I often say to my current hypnosis clients and NLP students, the tools and techniques from Neuro Linguistic Programming or “Processing”, or from traditional hypnosis don’t instantly “fix” us, but they give us resources to heal ourselves faster, and more completely than if we were just using trial and error… or going through the same old behaviors and expecting a different result… (which Einstein is famous for saying is literally the definition of INSANITY).
Imagine singing yourself sane. What would THAT be like? :o)
Your Daily Mind Mastery “Take-Away” on this beautiful Saturday in November is to practice IMAGINING letting go. Let of of whatever it is that when you let it go would empower you to feel lighter, stronger, more at home in your body and in this present moment…
Let this be your soundtrack for the day.
Please click the arrow to play:
Let It Go
Song # 344 | 3/1/05 | CD: Eyes On The Horizon
Let it go, let it go. Let it slip away
Let it go, let it go. Let it slip away
You will feel much lighter by the end of the day
I don’t know, I don’t know, Why you chose this road
I don’t know, I don’t know, Why you chose this road
It’s the perfect path for you to make yourself whole
I wish that you could see, the person that I see
I wish that you could see, the person that I see
Shining back at me so magnificently
I don’t know why you chose this experience
All I know is that on some level you did.
And if you chose it, you can change it kid.
It might be uncomfortable to admit it but you’ll be glad you did
You can blame it on your childhood
You got beat up even when you tried to be good.
Your mom and dad, well they did the best they could
And you can’t escape the fact that their best was often not very good at all…
You got in the way and you got hurt and I’m sorry for that…
But they’re not around, they’re dead and gone or at the very least
They are no longer bigger than you.
So who’s beating you up now? Every single day?
Who’s keeping you depressed and tired and hurt and angry and overweight?
And if you chose it you can change it kid!
And if you chose it you can change it now…
I’ll sing this song for you. I’ll sing this song for me
I’ll sing this song for you. I’ll sing this song for me
Let’s get tangled up in the sweet melody
Look around, look around. See beauty everywhere
Look around, look around. See beauty everywhere
When you see your self make sure you that notice it there.
Copyright 2005-2015 by Mark Shepard. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.
Want to crank up your “Letting Go ” muscles?
Check out my “kick the ass of anxiety” Course: CRUSH anxiety NOW!
Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Contact me baby.
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