Fire in the Eyes…
Have you ever met someone who just had intense eyes?
Someone who looked beyond the surfaces of things and saw something in you that challenged your small idea of yourself?
A lot of stories people tell of turning points in their lives, of moments that made a significant difference in their lives, involved someone older, wiser, cooler, higher “status” or whatever, who recognized something in them and encouraged that spark of greatness that we all have the potential for, to take root, to begin to grow, to blossom, to flourish …
Often it was a teacher, or a beloved Grandparent, a coach, a mentor…
I remember reading a story of a teacher in the beleaguered Chicago school system who had an almost IMPOSSIBLE student named Shaneequwa who had grown up tough in the projects… Shaneequwa basically flunked the class… caused endless disruption and trouble… but at the end of the school year the teacher wrote a note to this kid who she recognized as SMART even though she was DIFFICULT.
The note from the teacher said,
“I know this was a tough year for you. I just want you to know that I believe in you. I know you can succeed at whatever you put your mind to. Have a great summer.”
And then in the Fall, to the teacher’s DISMAY, Shaneequwa RE-TOOK her class.
But something was different.
- She paid attention.
- She did her homework.
- And she excelled.
It was that note. That simple little note that triggered a shift. No one in her life had ever told her she could ever be something. And it Made a difference.
My eyes get all watery just sharing that story.
Because that student went on to graduate from high school and college.
All because someone actually believed in her and communicated that to her.
We ALL have the potential to become more than we think we are… But sometimes we need someone else to RECOGNIZE IT IN US.
I had a cousin. He was 8 years older than me and different. I had a lot of other cousins, but Eliot always looked at me with deep, deep eyes….
Eliot was handicapped by congenital Dwarfism and had multiple physical challenges with his ears and eyes. Maybe it was because at age 16 he was the same height as I was at age 8, but he was my hero. We saw eye to eye in a lot of ways…
What I think was most important was the fact that he always took the time to listen to me, to teach me stuff, and to show me the books he was reading. He never talked down to me. He never made me feel like I was some bratty little kid. He talked to me as if I were an adult.
And needless to say I adored him.
Because he loved to read and was deeply knowledgable about Native American crafts and culture, I got hooked on knowledge. I got positively addicted to learning and he started me on a path of VORACIOUS reading and curiosity about excellence that continues to fuel my own daily reading and research into the potential we have as human beings to break through old limitations…
The bottom line: He BELIEVED in me. And he COMMUNICATED THAT TO ME. And it made a difference.
So today. I just feel so deeply moved to let YOU know from my HEART,
“I know this may have been a tough year for you so far, but I just want you to know that I believe in YOU. I know you can succeed at whatever you truly put your mind to. Have a great Holiday Weekend!”
Here’s a song to support YOUR shift towards greatness:
Song # 85, “Fire In The Eyes”
all the best!
p.s. Your Daily Mind Mastery assignment today (should you choose to accept it) is to think back over YOUR life and remember at least one person who BELIEVED in YOU. Perhaps at a time when you didn’t believe in yourself. write down that memory in your journal or wherever you keep track of your personal mastery journey. Savor it. re-tell that story to someone else in your life today. And then see if there is any way of Passing That on to someone else who may need to hear it from you.
p.p.s. thank you for reading my posts. If you’d like to get my Daily Mind Mastery Message each day, sign up with the handy opt-in form. Thanks!
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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