Stop Tolerating “Miserable”
This message “came in” last night from my Spirit Guide “Bob”.
Stop tolerating “miserable”.
Turn down your “miserable” threshold.
You no longer need to put up with feeling shitty.
Feeling shitty is a sign that you need to CHANGE something!
Don’t you just love a Spirit Guide named “Bob” who has a potty mouth?
“Hello! Is this thing ON?”
But Seriously folks,
If something is bothering you, you have got to SPEAK UP and say what it is.
It’s not fun. It’s not comfortable. It’s challenging. It may even be hard. Your voice very well may shake.
But Speaking Up and speaking your TRUTH is the only way to extinguish that particular kind of “miserable”…
And relief Starts when we Stop putting up with it. Speak up and you will be relieved. (and it also might be scary as hell… but you can do it).
When we stop thinking like victims, we have to entertain the idea that:
“No one is doing this to me. I am creating this myself and it is a key component of my ultimate joy and freedom.”
Have you ever noticed that we “highly sensitive people” often have a lot of food allergies?
Foods we Can’t TOLERATE?
(People we can’t tolerate? Jobs we can’t tolerate? Relationships we can’t tolerate?)
And we HSP’s, also tend to grit our teeth and attempt to TOLERATE interpersonal situations that any other self respecting person would NEVER stand for.
- Have you been tolerating something that is not in alignment or congruent or ecological for you?
- Have you had those endless loops of conversations that just keep rehashing your side of the story? Over and over and over again?
- Have you been attempting justify why you are so upset?
- Have you been a little afraid that somehow you are being “too sensitive” and if you just “get out of your ego enough” it will just resolve by itself?
Stop justifying your position. It’s just…
It’s just that attempting to tolerate the situation is now causing more pain than just dealing with it.
You have a right to your feelings even if you are splattering projections around you and reliving your childhood wounds over and over… even if the people in the situation you are so upset by have no clue how upset you are…
You no longer belong in that particular situation.
You’ve grown. It may be time to move on.
And you may not know what to move on to yet…
or you may be terrified of the uncertainty… but uncertainty is BETTER THAN MISERY!!!
A couple more things about yesterday’s post which talked about change taking sooooooo damn long to happen… and which apply to today’s Daily Mind Mastery Message as well…
Every single strategy I employed and have combined to lose the fat I’ve lost, (actually EVERY SUCCESS I’ve EVER HAD) is the result of a plateau, or dead end, “failure”, sheer frustration and the willingness to try anything that made sense…
EVERY WIN I’ve ever experienced (and every win my clients have experienced), has been preceded by something that looked a lot like ‘FAILURE’… followed by a willingness to hang in there and INVEST more in seeking a solution than giving up on the idea of what is possible.
So as you look back on anything you’ve ever accomplished, hasn’t your progress ALWAYS been preceded by FRUSTRATION? Misery? Suffering? Angst?
Hasn’t EVERY SINGLE BREAKTHROUGH in your life been TRIGGERED by a moment when you could no longer TOLERATE the stress of staying the same, or staying in the same situation without being able to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT?
So what if, in the middle of any current frustration or stuck place you might be in, you just remembered that and started getting excited about where it is leading you?
What if you gave yourself permission to be INTOLERANT of people, or situations that violate your boundaries, or that keep you small, or that simply frustrate the hell out of you?
We need to become MORE TOLERANT of the idea that we are born for some great purpose.
And Less TOLERANT of the idea that we are not good enough.
Yeah. Uh huh… Anyway. um… Happy Thursday!
And YUP! I’ve got “shit” up…
Cuz we are about to LEVEL UP around here.
– Mark
p.s. Your assignment TODAY (should you choose to accept it) is to Stop Tolerating the Stuff That is driving you bonkers. Find some small thing in your life that causes you to grit your teeth and bear it, and SPEAK UP ABOUT IT… Are you IN? I DARE you. No. I double DARE you. No. I double DAWG DARE YOU!
p.p.s. Hey! I almost forgot Your Transformation Tune for Today!
Here’s a little song I wrote back in 1982 all about THIS…”STUFF”…
Song #58 Visions of You (I Wreck My Soul)
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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