Is Clothing a Form of Self Hypnosis?
I recently signed up for a coaching session with Style and Makeover Expert Kimberly Seltzer.
And in the process it caused me to “get” on a deep, visceral level, that the clothing we wear is actually a form of self hypnosis as well as “group” hypnosis.
The clothing we wear and the “look” we generate can affect our own self confidence and literally how we act and “show up” in the world. It is also a very powerful and effective form of communication to the unconscious minds of other people and guides them in the instant evaluation process that we all go through when we first meet each other.
Dress poorly in cheap clothes from Kohls (which is what I did for years), and guess what? People kind of “get” that unconsciously and they take you less seriously. Dress well in clothes that fit your body properly and communicate what you actually want to communicate to other people, and somehow it’s just easier to get your point across, to influence and teach and in my case, to positively touch the lives of other people in a significant way.
The old saying goes, “The Clothes make the Man”. I’m not so sure about that, however, after working with Kim to choose clothing that more accurately communicates to other people (particularly my audiences) who I already am, I would definitely say that “The Clothes COMMUNICATE the Man (or the woman for that matter).
Since I am a man, and like most straight guys pretty clueless when it comes to style, I want to specifically challenge other men who are working on becoming more “masterful” in their lives, work, and relationships to definitely include this very important piece of the self improvement process.

Kimberly Seltzer America’s #1 Dating Makeover and Confidence Expert
I highly urge you to check out her website and do whatever it takes to get her advice and assistance.
I started small 2 years ago with a 1 hour skype session. It took me about 6 months to start clearing out my closet and figure out where to get clothing that fit me better as well as to change my glasses etc.
I wish now I had taken the more thorough and faster process of flying out to Southern California and doing a half day coaching/shopping session sooner.
Holy guacamole! What a huge difference.
I’ve made a short video below that I highly suggest you watch (in case you want to see more, there’s also a link so you can see all of the outfits Kim helped me to buy).
And then I highly suggest you take IMMEDIATE action and contact her.
She is completely easy to talk to (she was a licensed family/marriage therapist before she got into this coaching work). So you will feel at ease and comfortable with her. You will love how you look and more importantly how you FEEL after her coaching.
So check out the video and let me know what you think.
Again, I ask you to consider as you watch the video: Is clothing a form of self hypnosis? If so why not fully use it to get to where you want to go, to be who you want to be easier, faster, better.
If you would like to see more of the end result of my 4 hour “hypnosis session in bloomingdales with Kimberly Seltzer”…
I’ve posted all 12 of the videos here:
and again here is Kim’s website. Contact here today!
Kimberly Seltzer America’s #1 Dating Makeover and Confidence Expert
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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