It’s Day 27 of 90 Day Transformation Challenge #5.
This week in the “Beyond Beliefs Course” that I’m building in this 90 Day Challenge, I taught the mastermind class the NLP technique of Anchoring. As part of the course I gave them the assignment to watch this video by Harvard researcher, Amy Cuddy. Ms. Cuddy very clearly demonstrates (and backs it up with solid data) the power of our physiological movements to communicate not only to other people non verbally, but to communicate to ourselves as well.
And if you’ve been following my blog for any amount of time you will not be surprised when I say, Hey! That’s HYPNOSIS!.
Hypnosis is not some weird mumbo jumbo magic show baloney. Hypnosis is how we communicate to ourselves and others. More importantly, hypnosis is communicating with your unconscious mind and with other people’s unconscious minds as well.
Take advertising for example, EVERY advertiser is attempting to motivate you to take some kind of action. Rule #1 of advertising is to focus on your audience’s SELF INTEREST.
They don’t say. “Hey person watching this, buy Tide so we can make our quarterly earning goals.”
YOU don’t care about THEIR earnings goals. YOU care about YOU. That’s self interest. It’s not a bad thing. Every organism on this planet is programmed from the “factory” to but their own needs first. There are no altruistic squirrels, amoebas or humans.
So when the advertiser is selling you Tide, they HAVE to communicate why it is better for YOU to buy their laundry detergent. “It gets your clothes whiter! It makes your colors brighter! Your family will LOVE you for using Tide“.
Get it? You and I are constantly being bombarded with messages designed to sneak past your conscious mind and fit like a key into the lock of your unconscious fears, desires, motivations, longings etc.
And BTW, fear is way easier to trigger than the other motivating emotions.
“OMG! What if my family doesn’t love me because their clothes aren’t clean?”
So paying attention to what THEY (the advertisers and manipulators in power) are attempting to communicate to us makes a ton of sense to me. Not to follow their suggestions. But to evaluate them and block them if you so choose.
One excellent technique for STOPPING the influence of the mass media is to STOP WATCHING IT!
Another excellent technique for stopping the influence of the mass media and other people is to TAKE CHARGE of your own hypnosis. In other words, TAKE CHARGE OF HOW YOU COMMUNICATE TO YOURSELF. Take charge of what you do allow past your conscious vigilance. For me that means I stop listening to music with dysfunctional and victim mind set lyrics… in other words MOST popular music. LOL.
It’s about visual, auditory and kinesthetic hygiene. Essentially Amy Cuddy is teaching us Physical or kinesthetic hygiene.
One key way to do this is to become aware of your body language and what it communicates to yourself and others.
You mind mastery assignment today (should you choose to accept it) is to watch Amy Cuddy’s TED talk video.
Put a few of her empowering body language ideas into practice. Keep track in your journal of how you feel as you experiment. See if you can notice and document a positive difference in your own life. Then, let me know how it’s going for you…
(BTW what Ms. Cuddy DOESN’T seem to know is that she unconsciously uses a body position as she speaks that we in NLP call “Placater” which is forearms out and hands up. It is NOT a power position… It’s subconsciously communicates, “Please accept me and my ideas…”
DO NOT use “placater!”Turn your hands so that palms are DOWN. and all of a sudden you have a more powerful message being “broadcast”… but she gets the rest of it spot on.)
Extra Credit:
I call Amy Cuddy’s “power position” with your arms up over your head in a “V” position, “The Victory Position” (maybe she calls it that too, I’ll have to re-watch it) and that suggests to me that the “Victory Song” might be a sweet support vehicle to lock in this concept… And please know that this song is designed to be helpfully hypnotic. In fact it was one of the first songs I wrote that fully incorporated NLP and Conversational Hypnosis language patterns… so technically it is “Sound Healing Hypnosis” The key difference is that I’m “selling” you on your own power and magnificence.
here it is,
Here’s the audio only version in case that works better for you…
Peace out.
– Mark
p.s. Have questions? Thoughts? Comments? Inappropriate Jokes? Contact me!
Want to check out the “Beyond Beliefs” Course I’m building during this current challenge? The class is full but you can “Audit” the class and get the modules on video as I create them each week for only 3 payments of $19 bucks… It won’t help your clothes look whiter but it might help YOU feel better about yourself and your life than you’ve ever felt before… And if you feel better, that makes ME feel better. So BOTH of our self interests can be honored. PLUS your financial support helps me to keep doing THIS. Which also benefits both of us. :o)
Beyond Beliefs: How To Stop Your Limiting Beliefs From Limiting Your Life