Today calls for A Bit O’ Humor for your Daily Mind Mastery Moment….
It’s one thing to do deep transformational work. And often it is damn HARD work that requires courage, tenacity and sheer determination to even consider.
However, occasionally (well perhaps more frequently than that) we need to lighten the hell UP!
Today, we is gonna
“It” being whatever ever funk, frustration, phobia, fear, fretting we’ve been doing this week….
In fact anything that starts with the FFFFFFF or PH sound… We are gonna BLESS and RELEASE by laughing at it…. (With deep love and compassion of course.)
So your assignment for today (should you choose to accept it) is to listen to this Tongue in Cheek Transformational Tune and then follow it’s light hearted (yet sage and sensible) hypnotic suggestion to
Have a Fabulous Saturday!!
BTW I totally and completely love you and believe in you and send you light and grooviness
Swooooooooooooosh! Shazaam!
– Mark
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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