Be Patient With Your Drumming. The Night is Long
I have absolutely nothing to say today.
It’s just that good of a day. It’s perfect.
It’s kind of like one of those, “drumming on the beach” kind of days except it’s November in Albany NY…
It’s a blissful day just…
… Following the flow. You know, “surfing” through my day… ;o)
[ an inside joke alert for you loyal, DAILY readers/watchers out there in the Rapidly growing Transformation Nation ]Working on some projects.
Washing up my dishes after each of my fabulously healthy meals… grass fed burger with raw smoked cheddar, baby bok choy and cabbage on the side. Followed by a grapefruit and avocado salad… Mmmmmm…
Following the flow…
Watching my neighbors new garage being built…
Exploring a new “back friendly” abs exercise…
Straightening up the work bench in the basement…
Having a brilliant cup of coffee and reading one of my favorite books… Ahhhh…
Writing to you… my favorite part of the day… All in all its….
The Best “video game” I ever played.
And I love how I can change the program on the fly…
By thinking different thoughts… or doing something out of my normal routines…
Why doesn’t someone invent a video game that forces you to think positively?
The better you think, the more things go your way, or maybe you just start to believe that things are going your way more and so things go your way more and you interpret everything as things going your way more and more and so the self fulfilling prophecy unfolds in ways that are better, more satisfying, more magical than you could even possibly imagine…
Thinking positively isn’t just NICE. It just plain works better. It feels better in your body. It feels better to be around someone who is grateful and positive and optimistic unless you’re in such a shitty mood that you’re looking for company to be miserable with.
But I say Fvck THAT!
And BTW saying “fvck That!” is a POSITIVE expletive. It reflects the POSITIVE PASSION I feel for this subject. :o)
Now Where WERE we?
If you have negative, whiny, victim friends, I highly suggest you GET OUT of their energy fields. We become the company we keep.
That’s not a “judgment” about them. They are perfectly, perfect beings, radiant light with awareness, having a human experience just like you. You are not better or more important than they are. It’s just that you, unlike them, are attempting to grow, improve, release, heal, expand, and enhance your experience of being alive. They might not yet be ready. But you are. It’s nothing against them.
YOU are learning how to love and value yourself enough to hang out with people who inspire, challenge, motivate and mentor you. You will RISE to their frequency instead of being bombarded by the “negative Nellie’s” our there. Since you seek to be like your mentors you will reflect their progress back to them like a mirror reflects the light of the brilliant orange setting sun.
That’s a good thing.
You are deeply and profoundly influenced by the thoughts you think and the thoughts of the people you hang around with.
Self help author Napoleon Hill called this the “Master Mind Principle.”
Choose good thoughts to think and positive, inspirational people to hang out with…
And if YOUR the negative Nellie… Well my friend start today to be gentle with yourself. It’s a process. Sometimes it takes a while.
As the Shona people of Zimbabwe say, “Be patient with your drumming. The night is long.”
so here’s a little song about that…
[And yes, this was an example of conversational hypnosis. How do you feel now that you know you can hypnotize yourself simply by reading my blog posts every… single… day…. (that I write one). That’s right… :o) ]
Don’t miss out! Make sure you sign up for the Daily Mind Mastery (that’s this blog) and I’ll teach you one of my very best Modern Jedi Mind Hacks that puts your own hypnosis power right back in your own hands.
Master Your Mind For A Change!
– Mark
Photo credit – Copyright: komisar4 / 123RF Stock Photo
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