Finally… help for shy guys!
This website is dedicated to, among other things, helping shy guys like you overcome the crap that has held you back all your life.
You know what I’m talking about:
- You see a pretty woman and you freeze.
- You get called on in class and you freeze.
- Most likely if you’ve ever been out on a date the woman initiated it.
- Many of you have never even been on a date much less lost your virginity.
- Or if you’ve dated and met a woman who actually seemed to want you, you took what you could get and got stuck in a relationship that is less than you’d dreamed of…but you stay because you either can’t face being alone or you’re afraid of hurting her…
Been there. Done that. It sucked.
Out of desperation, I learned some extremely powerful tools of transformation that I’ve used to blast through the shyness. Faster than I ever thought possible. Once I was able to clear the fear and manage my needy awkwardness around women, I needed to learn how to actually communicate with them the way women truly want to be connected with. Honestly. Always now with the confidence that with or without a particular woman in my life I’m fine.
What would it be like to be the chooser?
What would it be like to be the kind of guy that women pine for and fantasize about their whole lives?
First we work on the inner game. We clear the old programs, doubts, false beliefs and habits of thought that keep you miserable.
Then we build step by step a solid foundation of empowered confidence with which to move out into the worlds with superior tools to meet, and seduce the kinds of women you want. Then we fine tune it through the process of real relationship skills.
I’m excited to get started!
It’s something that nobody teaches us guys. We either see the pushy jerks who are always coming on to women and getting nothing but ridicule or scorn (don’t want to be like them). Or, we see the thoughtless bullies who treat women like objects and we don’t want to be like them either.
I can help you get through all the learning curves easily and rapidly so you will be exploring her curves in record time.
I’ve helped shy college guys and shy older guys. I’ve helped men and women of all ages in my NLP practice overcome anxiety, panic attacks, fear, phobias, self sabotage, low self esteem. Because I originally learned NLP, hypnosis and Time Line Therapy™ in order to overcome my own shyness and inability to meet and get to know the kinds of women I truly wanted, I “get” you more than most other coaches or therapists.
There’s lots of information out here on the web for how to date and seduce women. But none of it specifically addresses the shy man in such a way that you can overcome the terror that freezes you and causes you to shrink down and disappear. That’s what this blog is all about.
This is the very first post and a lot more is on the way and you will be too.
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
Click the link below to:
- Check out my Shy Guy Help program
- Review my hypnosis video programs
- Contact me today
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