Crazy busy today working on “Project X”.
Time to chill out and play a little guitar… sing a little, share a few thoughts to close out the day…
Any questions?
Master Your Mind... for a Change
by Mark Shepard
by Mark Shepard
Hey There, O Mighty Mind Mastery Maven!
What’s up on this THRIVING Thursday?
Real Quick, What’s Your Dominant Thought
Right Now?
Seriously. What were you just thinking about?
Was it EM-powering or DIS-empowering?
What’s your “Default Thought Setting”?…
What’s your default state when you wake up?
If you haven’t figure this out by now after hanging out with me for a while…
The thoughts you think the MOST trigger your
most frequent, habitual, emotional and physical states…
The state you are in most often becomes your default, dominant state which then triggers
more of the kind of thinking that created the state…
Does that make sense to you?
Our MAIN job is to take charge of that entire PROCESS so that it is no longer an unconscious choice made FOR us by the mass media or your mommy, daddy, teacher, boss, coworkers, lovers, friends, enemies etc.
The state you are in most often BECOMES YOUR USUAL STATE.
I personally want for you to be in a state of mind that you CHOSE and then INSTALLED. INTENTIONALLY.
YOU want to be the captain of your ship.
YOU want to be the one who is “Pulling your own strings”
How do we do that?
How do we install a “default setting” in your Mind that kicks in INSTANTLY upon awakening.
How do you get a resourceful, powerful response HARD-WIRED into your body so that Instantly upon encountering a challenge…
Your default POWER setting THRUSTERS are triggered and ENGAGE…
The bottom line is that this is something that CAN be INSTALLED in your unconscious mind…
When you truly DECIDE to install it…
It then comes down to PRACTICING it.
We PRACTICE by consciously choosing the thoughts we think, the questions we ask, the way we move our body, the focus of our attention.
(Just like we learned how to talk, walk, ride a bike, drive a car… etc.)
What does a powerful, confident, dominant, successful person choose to focus on?
The solutions, the wins, the possibilities, the options, the opportunities…
A future that is better than you can possibly IMAGINE!
Compare the way YOU are starting to think, to the way the average person focuses on the failures, the doubt, the weaknesses, the fear, the losses, the lack, the stuff that isn’t working, the helpless, hopeless thoughts that literally poison them to the fact that the world CHANGES depending upon your thoughts…
Just saying’
What are you going to think about today? LOL
And, for a little BONUS tip today…
What’s The difference between DOMINATING your path and your life vs. someone who is
When you dominate your own life, your own thoughts, you are showing up in your own power. You are taking care of YOU. Someone who is DOMINEERING is attempting to control other people in order to GET something from the other people that the other people don’t want to give.The DOMINEERING person is usually being that way out of FEAR.
Screw that. You are better than that. You’re a Jedi.
The DOMINANT person is usually that way because they have a powerful vision and purpose, and the ability to LEAD.
Let other people do what they do, be who they are.
This today, is all about…
One of Your most important CHOICES EVERY single day is to CHOOSE TO DOMINATE your path,
So choose the good ones. Today. All Day. For the rest of the Day…
One way to do that is to Ask yourself POWERFUL “Why” and “How” questions.
“Why does it work out better than I can possibly imagine?”
Just a quick reminder in case you’ve slipped off of the track of practicing that every day.
And now, I’ve got some dominating of my own path to do.
– Mark
Photo Credit – Copyright: flaperval / 123RF Stock Photo
by Mark Shepard
I want to start by welcoming all the action taking “1 percenters” who took the plunge and stepped boldly into my new course, CRUSH anxiety NOW! yesterday to get the sweet “beta test price” and get started on their 31 day journey towards calm, confidence and personal mind mastery.
I sincerely bow to the divine within you. Way… TO …. GO!! :o)
Please remember I am here and ready to answer your questions.
Today I want to shift my focus a bit and get back to one of my other favorite topics.
And BTW, this is also a helpful anti-anxiety tool to add to the tool kit. When you are moving your body it helps to dissipate and relieve stress, tension and those “nasty” fight or flight hormones… So let’s begin shall we?
Today we explore… The absolute best exercise of all time…
and it just so happens that
Today I have one simple exercise that will get you results, faster, “easier”, better… without risk of injury or pain.
It feels so good to do it that you will want to do it more often. And it only takes a minute.
For many of us who are busy living lives in the modern age of “crazy busy” the idea of having to put everything and everyone on hold so you can go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week, is the greatest obstacle to sustainable, life long fitness…
Personally I hate interrupting my “flow” to get in my car in order to go to a gym. I’ve done it from time to time in the past, but definitely not a fan.
I’m running three businesses and I have a very active social life… Spending hours at the gym is NOT gonna happen.
PLUS. I hate the fact that every damn gym I’ve ever been to has constant Television blaring bad news and commercials for drugs and other crap…
Not to mention the THUMP, THUMP of the shitty music bombarding you as you work out…
[oooo I feel a “rant” coming on]Not to mention the cost… and most of the trainers are poorly trained with often old knowledge that is already outdated by the latest scientific research. I have also personally known several people who got really hurt working with some hot shot personal trainer…
To hell with all that!
And yet at age 54 (turning 55 in November) I’m more fit, more healthy, more energetic and stronger than ever before…
I practice and advocate a fitness program that is perfect for people who are making the transition from “coach potato” to warrior… or for people over 40 who have a lot of demands on their time, or even older folks who want to maintain muscle mass and the ability to move through their days pain free and able to go to the bathroom unassisted until their last day on this lovely planet… Hey. I’m the honest hypnotist remember? Going to the bathroom unassisted is one of life’s great dignities!
Here’s a simple example of just one such movement:
A couple of other thoughts, the experts in this method who I’ve researched and modeled, say essentially that if you trained this way for a full half hour doing several different compound exercises that worked your entire body thoroughly, you wouldn’t need to do it again for a full week. This is such an intense workout that you need to allow your body to rest…
As you may know Rest and Recovery time is crucial for building muscle.
The problem with that is that once a week is not enough repetition to make it a Habit.
So I’ve modified the process of “slow burn” so that I do a little bit almost every day, throughout my day. Whenever my computer is processing something. or Whenever I’m waiting for something to be ready in the kitchen. Or even if I’m on the phone.
BOOM! I’m doing a slow squat or one of the many other movements that my body LOVES to do… slowly, consciously.
I’ve also gotten rid of my desk chair and I work standing up. I even bought a treadmill to walk on while I work. Not because treadmills are great or anything but because I want to literally increase my movement. Movement is what our bodies are designed to do. Our paleo ancestors moved pretty much all day, everyday. And we need to find a way to get back to that without sacrificing our current ways of making a living.
Sitting has been pretty definitively proven to be one of the absolute WORST things that you can do to your health.
People who sit all the time, even if they go to the gym regularly are at far greater risk of dropping dead…
Suddenly… or slowly…
Either way not optimal. :o)
So I’m not suggesting that you suddenly devote your life to peak performance physical fitness. However I am suggesting that perhaps you might consider that you can get started in some small way today…
Why would today be the perfect day to start exploring this?
Don’t take my word for it. Only you can try it yourself. Right now. Do this one single exercise today. Do it slowly. Do it consciously. Breathe. Love your body. Be present.
Now get back to your life.
peace and grooviness,
– Mark
p.s. If you’d like to go deeper with me in this area of fitness, health, weight loss, etc, check out my course called,
by Mark Shepard
A lot of people have been hoodwinked by the big pharmaceutical companies into believing that anxiety is a disease…
Big Pharma wants it to be a “disease” so they can get doctors to prescribe their shitty pills with all their addictive and soul killing side effects so that they can make the big bucks. Cha Ching! Month after month.
It’s not. I repeat. Anxiety is NOT a Disease.
Other than the metaphorical “thought virus” that anxiety really is,
It’s really the same as “worry”… just a bit more intense.
What’s worry? Thinking about bad shit happening. Often to our LOVED ones! Why would anyone DO that?
We all have this ability. It comes with the “human software download” you got when you signed up for this lifetime.
Either way, your unconscious mind gives you the “biochemistry” of whatever you are focusing on with your “mental movie screen”…
Before this morphs into a full blown “rant”… I’m going to go turn the video camera on just in case it gets interesting…
[Here’s what I ranted up for you]
Okay, that felt better… (BTW If you ever feel so inclined to “go deep for cheap” you can always check out all 80 or so videos I’ve uploaded to my Honest Hypnosis YouTube channel so far since JULY! :o)
As I mention in the video, sometimes our negative thinking patterns about the future are so insidious and “normal” that we don’t even notice that we are doing it… Kind of like the fish in the ocean don’t really “notice” the ocean.
Well that makes sense right? That’s literally what we mean by being “unconscious”.
It’s happening outside of our conscious awareness…
And though it may be outside of our conscious awareness, it is really happening on your “internal storyboard” and it really affects what hormones are triggered in your body which in turn creates “how you feel.”
You see, one thing nobody else is telling you, is that your immune system is constantly eves dropping on your self talk. Immune systems have the ability to actually listen and LEARN.
So what you are doing unconsciously actually matters a great deal. And as I’ve said a gazillion times, hypnosis is really the “process of communicating effectively with your unconscious mind”.
It’s not hocus pocus or some magical power that suddenly happens when some creepy asshole starts swinging a watch and telling you to go into trance…
Hypnosis is YOU running your own stream of consciousness in a way that actually gets you what you want instead of what you don’t want.
Oh! What a surprise!?!…
All that stuff that you’ve been getting i n your life that you don’t want? Your “old” hypnosis brought that in. Hmmm Let’s see what the “new” hypnosis could do if you gave it a chance!
So just a quick reminder, CRUSH anxiety NOW! increases in price Tomorrow. It will still be reasonably priced and affordable but it will never again be THIS CHEAP. So if you are curious about going deeper with me, check it out. The risk is on me. A bunch of you awesome action takers have already jumped in and are already CRUSHING the “beast” of anxiety… Cowabungah! Looking forward to your questions and success stories! OH YEAH!
CRUSH anxiety NOW! Cheap… Price… set… to expire…
[wpdevart_countdown text_for_day=”Days” text_for_hour=”Hours” text_for_minut=”Minutes” text_for_second=”Seconds” start_time=”1446052439″ end_time=”1,,” action_end_time=”show_text” content_position=”center” top_ditance=”10″ bottom_distance=”10″ ]times up![/wpdevart_countdown]In the meantime, I will see YOU on the… INSIDE!
p.s. A shout out to all the new Transformation Nation Peeps like locals, Dottie and Jeremy from my home town of Albany NY and the fabulous, far away Peter from New Zealand… NEW ZEALAND. Where it’s already tomorrow! Way to go Peter! Also Brian from California! Kristan from Pennsylvania, Welcome!!!! The “Transformation Nation” is assembling… MIND MASTERY ROCKS!
I am OUTA HERE! Talk to you tomorrow!
photo credit – Copyright: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo
by Mark Shepard
Well…Well… Welcome, welcome, welcome… to MONDAY morning! (okay so it’s AFTERNOON. It STARTED out early this morning…)
By the time you see this… it may be Thursday evening or a year from now or whenever… hopefully the kick ass Transformational content I’m about to share with you is pertinent and applicable and immediately helpful no matter WHEN or where you are right now… THAT IS, if you’re READY to hear what I have to say… if not that’s cool too…
Read on! (or watch the video). Extra points for both! :o)
[here’s the video in case you are visually inclined]Anyway, A lot happened over the weekend.
A lot of new budding mind masters joined the Transformation Nation… (use the handy yellow opt-in form and experience the love and grooviness for your self if you haven’t yet joined us…).
Over the weekend, a lot of new folks grabbed my new, CRUSH anxiety NOW program at the ridiculously low “VIP beta test” price.
Speaking of which, One of my favorite CRUSH anxiety NOW customers, Linda, stepped up and shared with the “process” she is going through in her battle with GAD.
She writes in response to my posts from the previous few days where we were talking about Imagination being Your Unconscious Mind and your Will being your Conscious mind…
Letter from a real person
My UCM is my imagination and my conscious mind is my will. Imagination always trumps will. Oh my, seems hopeless, but it doesn’t have to stay that way… I suppose I am thinking that way because of the GAD?I know that I want to be free from the anxiety!!– Linda
I wrote back to her with this:
You aren’t thinking “that way” because of the GAD. You have the GAD because you are thinking “that way”. Make sense? – Mark
Why is Linda one of my favorites? Because she is WORKING on her stuff. Because she writes to me. A lot. Because she is consistently, bravely stepping into new ideas that challenge her old, painful, victim paradigm…
And truth be told… Because she is so much like the way I was when I was first discovering that the only consistent factor in my own anxiety and misery, was my old way of thinking…
hold that thought… someone at the door…
It was a friend of mine, “M.” who’s going through some really tough stuff in his life too.
Just like Linda, He’s really beginning to ‘get’ that even in the midst of deeply, challenging times, he is healing and growing and coming to new understandings about what’s real, what’s imagined, what are the old patterns and where are the new opportunities for stepping into one’s own personal power to “own” our own experiences.
The sad truth is most folks in the vast masses of the “99%” are clueless to the fact that every… single… day… they are creating their own experience here on earth, in their bodies… They are creating an experience that starts and ends with their thoughts, with their perceptions, beliefs, generalizations, distortions, and deletions of this thing called “reality”…
The filter of all of this is your unconscious mind…. it’s kind of like a glass magnifying lens.
Your conscious mind acts like a the frame of a lens… it turns the lens every which way and attempts to focus it…
The magnifying lens is your unconscious mind… as you move it back and forth, closer and farther the things you can see through it change… sometimes it’s out of focus… sometimes it’s sharp and clear…
If you focus the Sun through a magnifying glass onto a piece of paper or a dried leaf, you can start a fire… The lens doesn’t change the Sun. But it focuses the powerful rays of the Sun in helpful or hurtful ways. The lens doesn’t judge. The lens is just doing what it does. Aligning visual light.
And then, because of the wonderful power of our minds to form “habits”, whatever you focus on long enough, with enough emotional intensity, eventually becomes a “fixed frame” and stays in place even when you are not consciously holding it there…
So if the frame is focusing your UCM on what a victim you are and how “bad” everything is, and “how everyone is out to get you” or how helpless and hopeless your are or what a victim you are or whatever, THAT is the energy that your body will react to “as if it is real”.
Enter the “fight or flight” response…. BOOM!
But it’s no more real than if you had built a “frame” over time that held your focus on how much of a damn miracle it is simply to be alive, simply to be able to experience the intense beauty of this Autumn day… and then to expand THAT focus and perception to ALL the miracles in your life.
All the the “miracles of the modern world” that you are constantly in contact with… from the touch screen on your phone to the fact that when it gets cold outside your home thermostat automatically calls for just the right amount of heat from your heating system…
Focus now on the fact that you are breathing. That your heart is beating. That your body is regulating your temperature and digesting your food…
THAT is a freaking miracle. And it happens automatically whether you are focusing consciously on it or not.
So the entire purpose of CRUSH anxiety NOW! (as well as pretty much all my other courses, no matter what the specific subject matter or “focus” is) is to give you the tools to INTERRUPT the old patterns of thought and behavior and put you in the consciously powerful place of gently and lovingly “breaking” the old “frame” and PRACTICING HOLDING the new frame, and the new focus, until THAT becomes your new Habitual way of looking at the world…
Whew! Does that make sense on a Monday?
I can’t “make” you put these keys into the locks that hold the chains and cage doors of your old life, and I can’t “make” you turn the keys to open the locks, but I can put them within your reach so that when you are ready, you can take the keys, open the doors, drop the chains and come out into the bright sunlight… of your own CHOICE… to hang out with us “cool creatives” who are practicing this stuff too…
Let’s DO THIS! Let’s transform your life into something beyond fabulous.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.
“We either make our lives miserable or we make our lives magical. The amount of work is the same.”
And, I might add, the tools and techniques are the same as well. We are all using our minds to create something.
(and here’s an example of a positive “What if”)
Something fabulous?
Something better than the best sex?
Better than the best food?
Better than the best music?
Better than the most entertaining movie in theaters or available for instant streaming online?
Are you in? Want to check it out?
I’ve created something that I think could help you to kick start your new reality. It’s called,
I’m really proud of it. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever created. I want you to have it.
Anxiety, If you will recall from my previous posts, is:
“Thinking about what you do not want to have happen in the future…
…and your Unconscious Mind (which runs your body), physiologically REACTING to that projection in your mind as if it is real.”
Anyone can say, “Change Your Mind and Change Your Life” but in this course, I teach you dozens of ways you can actually do that. FAST. I give you a full palette of colors from which to choose to change the painting of your mind and your thinking.
AND if I say so myself, we have a hell of a lot of fun doing it.
Teaching it to you helps me to LIVE it. Watching you LIVE it is better than just about anything else i get to experience in my own life… It’s fabulous to see you grow my friend.
Hearing from people like Linda and watching my friend M. putting these ideas into practice every day causes me to want to send even more ripples out into the world of people taking charge of their change and stepping into their power to perceive a VASTLY different world…
And that is my core MISSION.
To help 1,000 people… 10,000 people… 100,000 people to discover a world that is vastly different than the average 99% cubicle slave focusing on how to look busy but get done only what’s absolutely necessary so as to not make the other cubicle slaves look bad… or what to say at the water cooler about that sad little TV show that everybody else watches on Sunday nights while they are recovering from their weekend of recovering from their miserable shitty week…
But if you’re like most of us here at Transformation Nation central, you have amazing gifts that you long to share with the world in a way that makes a positive difference.
So if you haven’t yet checked out “CRUSH anxiety NOW!” at the bargain basement “beta test” price, you might want to… practice being the action taking mind master in training who invests in yourself, and goes for it,
(unless of course you want to wait until we raise the price to where it “should” be in order to reflect the MASSIVE value I’ve built into this course so that you don’t feel like you’re taking advantage of me… LOL… ;o)
This is weird, I just got an email from my business partner. He said, “Let your people know that on Thursday, October 29th the price of CRUSH anxiety NOW is going up to $99”
I think He’s just a bit jealous at how cheap the course is because he paid $2,500 for the same stuff…
(sorry I had to shout cuz I’m so excited by the fact that my business partner is fvcking awesome at APPLYING his CRUSH anxiety techniques so well that he’s rocketed himself to being WORTHY of coaching ME! LOL… HOW COOL IS THAT? and there are certain things that I totally trust his coaching on… so the price will go up on Thursday… actually he wanted Wednesday but I negotiated more time for you. :o)…
And while I’ve scaled way back on my one on one private coaching work, I still check and answer my emails from my students every single day. THAT’s my MISSION.
And this extremely full post is an example of that…
This is my truest and highest work… Inspired by Linda and Ronald and Eric, and Mike, And “Wez-we” and the thousands of folks all over the world who have been finding my work and applying it in their lives over the past 13 or so years.
Thank you for your presence and patience and persistence and PRACTICE!
…Damn! How did THREE hours go by so FAST? It’s almost Noon my time… LOL
Time for Breakfast. TTYL.
– Mark
p.s. did I mention all the usual “iron clad money back guarantee” shit? All my courses come with it. Check it out and test it for yourself. If you’re ready you won’t need it. If you’re not ready you might become ready as you review the course and ask me your full, honest, questions and experience my replies. If it’s not something that’s totally right for you right now, just hit us up for the refund and there are no hassles.
by Mark Shepard
Hey! In today’s Mind Mastery Daily, I lay down some really good stuff for you in about 5 measly little minutes.
Hint… it has to do with lemons… and other stuff…
The bottom line? Your Unconscious Mind is your Imagination. Your Conscious mind is your WILL.
Where there’s a conflict, your
Kind of like “Paper Covers Rock” in the game, “Rock, Paper, Scissors”.
Here’s the video:
BTW if you haven’t joined us “on the inside” where the best and brightest budding “mind masters” are hanging out, you owe it to yourself to join us!
Use the handy opt-in Form to get…
The Worlds’ Most Powerful Self Hypnosis Technique EVER!
“Every time I see your Daily Mind Mastery tip, I instantly feel 100% better about everything. Thanks!” ~ Andrew
Questions? Comments? Thoughts?
Contact me!
Photo Credit – Copyright: valiza / 123RF Stock Photo
“Dear Mr. Shepard, I killed it with my speech yesterday, so thank you so much for all of your help! And thank you for adding me into the Bully Proof Teen group. I’ve been bullied myself as well so this is a good place for me to learn more. I will definitely take advantage of it. Don’t ever stop doing what you are doing!”
“Oh man Mark. This is what I needed today. You explain things so well that makes it easy to understand. You my friend are awesome at what you do. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Mark’s intensive phobia-releasing session CURED me. The ‘trigger’ no longer causes me to shake and tremble. That’s a miracle! The healing affected more than just me.”
“I went online and logged in to your course How To Get Over A Breakup and experienced a total transformation.”
“I’ve used your Shy Guy Help and ED courses to great effect, thank you!”
“Thank you Mark! I’ve been applying the techniques you taught us last week, and DAMN, it seems to be working already (but I’m not positive yet). I also wanted to tell you that I think you’ve got a real winner in your ‘Rain’ song. Ever since I heard it, I can’t get it out of my head! You’re the Best!”
“I want to thank you for EVERYTHING you did for me! Ran the 48.6 miles last weekend. That is huge as when I first saw you I couldn’t even run outdoors without anxiety. I can’t thank you enough!”
“Hi Mark, I’ve been regularly using your breathing techniques and positive ‘why’ questions. I also bought your song ‘Arise Arise’ as it seems to really help when nervous.”
“It is a journey and Mark has shared a lot of great, drug free techniques that I intend to KEEP practicing as I leave my fears in the dust once and for all.”
“I loved all the ‘transformation tools.’ I use them every day. I feel positive – self love. Mark worked hard and really cares about us. …very giving – honest and compassionate – thank you!”
“It wasn’t an ‘instant’ fix. It took a little while but one day I just stopped wanting all the sweets that I used to crave. Now I’m drinking more water and loving my body more.”
“Thank you for your work, Mark! You are a ROCKSTAR! The best kind. Full of love and life!”
“Oh my god… when you said ‘now where’s the anxiety?’ it gave me the biggest grin I’ve had in a long time… ‘cuz it was GONE! This is genius! You’re a genius sir!”
“Excellent customer service. Thanks a lot!!!!!!”
“I haven’t felt this good for a long time and it’s a great feeling. I just wanted to say thank you so much and I really appreciate all your help.”
“I have really enjoyed watching all of your videos, and I am already noticing huge progress! I go through all of your recommended self-hypnosis on a daily basis and notice improvement each day.”
“Hey, finished watching the Mojo course last night, great stuff. I already feel better!”
“The information you are providing in the “CRUSH anxiety NOW!” course is very helpful. Thanks, Mark! BTW, I love your music, too. :-)”
“When I woke up this morning I was thinking about my panic attacks. I could not remember that last time I had one! I used the techniques in your CRUSH Anxiety Program. Thank you so much for all your help.”
“Mark provided a lot of information and tools to help me in weight loss and in all areas of my life. The program is so powerful and energetic. The camaraderie you encourage is extremely beneficial.”