Non-Attachement. Letting Go. Allowing. Trusting. Going with the flow…
Ulimately focusing on one thing at a time, lightly, gently, appreciatively, being curious and aware, noticing, experiencing THIS present moment, each task with full attention and love… is AWESOME.
And you can practice it anywhere, any time, in any situation. Even changing the toilet paper roll, doing the dishes, tying your shoe, making dinner, driving to work… all of these mundane, daily things can begin to be significant components of your spiritual practice of your ongoing self hypnosis program of increasing personal mastery and self love.
In today’s short video I continue to play with the idea of Kaizen (small improvements that eventually lead to MASSIVE ones) and “The One Thing” from yesterdays “book report”.
I reveal the “secret” behind my “success” as a “professional” painter who paints 4 convases at once… WAIT! isn’t that “Multi-tasking”? (Nope. But yeah, you gotta watch the video baby!)
here it is:
Have a groovy and present day!
– Mark
p.s. HEY! A shout out to Debbie from Oklahoma! Welcome to the TRANSFORMATION TRIBE Debbie! Why DOES it work out better than YOU can possibly IMAGINE?
p.p.s. What’s the “one thing” you’d really LOVE to do, have, be, experience this week? Sundays are a great time to set aside some imagining time and reaching ahead with your thoughts to the coming week and imagining it working out better than you can possibly imagine… Play with that. And I will see you on the INSIDE.
p.p.p.s. I MIGHT have a sneak peak at a new song for you… we’ll see how the “flow” of the day goes…
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…