What Wednesdays are for…
I don’t know why I did this, but I set up on my white board an intention for every day of the week.
For example, “Mondays are for ME”. I highly, highly suggest you begin to practice a new kind of “Tithing”.
Now before you run to the exits, this is NOT an Evangelical Christian Tithing Sermon…
It IS a Transformational, Mind Mastery Dose of Practical GROOVINESS for your personal mastery mission…
This is about “Tithing” of your time, talent and treasure, but it HAS to start with YOU.
Give to yourself first. This is NOT selfishness. And “Mondays are for Me” is a perfect example. When I take my mondays and really rest, really take care of me and my need for quiet, meditative, restorative time, I have so much more to give to YOU the rest of the week.
So in my schedule, “Mondays are for Me”. You can pick a different day of the week but in my mind, setting aside Mondays for self care and rest is one of the best gifts I can give to the people I love… The entire rest of the week follows… Now many people do that on Sundays, but I work all day on Sundays so Mondays are MY day of rest. (But this message isn’t about Mondays…)
Tuesdays are for TRANSFORMATION… and if you read yesterday’s email/blog post you already know that Transformation Tuesdays are coming! (But THIS message ain’t about Tuesdays so enuf said for now)
But Wednesdays!
The popular culture calls it “hump day”. The day you get over the hump of the work week and can see the weekend beckoning… And I guess for the cubicle slaves of the world “hump day” gives them some kind of hope… However, I prefer to focus on something a bit different today…
W.D.I.W.O.B.T.Y.C.P.I. WEDNESDAYS for short.
What if, every Wednesday morning you started out by writing that power phrase over and over again by hand? And then chanted it all day in your mind?
What would happen if you purposefully and consciously practiced this one little thing every Wednesday?
Seriously! For your own practice pop it into the first person and ask away.
Why Does It Work Out Better Than I Can Possibly Imagine?
Here’s an example: A very dear friend of mine had an ominous email exchange with her boss over the weekend… It seemed so ominous on Saturday that when her boss said… “We have to talk first thing on Monday Morning”… she went a bit into panic mode… and what is pretty cool is that her anxiety response was actually pretty damn productive, she explored the notion that on Monday she would have no job…
So rather than sit around freaking out, she dusted off her resume and reflected on all the skills and assets she has to offer in both the corporate and academic markets and came up with 3 alternative contingency plans so that no matter what, she would be ok with or without her job.
And then? She started breathing, grounding and focusing her mind on:
WHY Does It Work Out Better Than I Can Possibly Imagine?
Why DOES it work out better than I can possibly imagine?
Whey Does IT work out better than I can possibly Imagine?
Why does it WORK OUT better than I can possibly imagine?
Why does it work out BETTER than I can possibly imagine?
Why does it work out better than I CAN possibly imagine?
Why does it work out better than I can POSSIBLY imagine?
Why does it work out better than I can possibly IMAGINE?
And so on… over and over. Heck, I chanted it with her. And I started feeling fabulous as well.
And then she went on to have a fabulous weekend.
Monday, she went in and her boss was completely reasonable, supportive and appreciative of her…
There was no conflict. Just a bit of clarification that had to be talked about in person. No biggie.
Interesting huh?
So you might want to actually put this one into practice. It’s simple. It’s free. It’s accessible anywhere
and it works. It’s also just one of the gazillion mind mastery tools I teach in “How To CRUSH anxiety NOW!”
So that’s your assignment for today (should you choose to accept it). It’s one that just might be revisited on Wednesdays to come.
Why it Works:
It works because it helps to shift your focus, it changes your energy, your bio-chemistry and the presuppositions in the question engage your unconscious mind to filter reality according to the question.
Any thoughts that do not match the presupposition simply get filtered out.
Your Unconscious Mind simply can NOT not filter your reality according to that powerful question. It simply has to accept it and build evidence to verify its truth.
So yeah. It’s actually self hypnosis. If you feel like opting in and joining the Transformation Nation, I’ll send you a link to a full video course explaining why and how this process totally works for you if you use it.
Try it. You’ll like it.
And to support it is a little Transformation Tune I wrote back in 2007…
Song #361 I’m Lucky
or use the handy, groovy player with the horseshoe picture at the top. :o)
That’s it for now.
I love you and I love loving you and I love watching you love yourself more and more each day…
I will see YOU on the INSIDE!
– Mark
p.s. More on the upcoming TRANSFORMATION Tuesdays coming soon!
p.p.s. My new online Hypnosis For PTSD program is available here: Hypnosis For PTSD
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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