Got Trauma?
(We all do)
I’ve been working with an awesome client, named Shawna over the last year or so.
A few things up front:
- She gave me full permission to share her story and these sessions with you.
- She and I have done a lot of foundational clearing work over the course of 10 sessions.
- She recently had a huge breakthrough when I simply “blasted” her with energy and it seemed to clear out a lot of lingering “stuff” (“stuff” is our polite word LOL :o)
Because she and I both want to help more people, she agreed to allow me to record her sessions.
We did my usual 4 hour initial breakthrough intensive and about 6 follow up visits. Over the course of that time she experienced a ton of “stuff” that came up around her wedding (she got married in the Spring) having to do with her new husband’s ex, with her abusive, estranged father, with all kinds of family “stuff”.
“STUFF” is our polite technical term for old traumatic memories, behavior patterns that we created in childhood to survive and be accepted by our families.
These are the wounds we are yearning to heal. These are the wounds that get “triggered” when we often least expect it.
We all have it.
Most of us will do absolutely EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to avoid it being “TRIGGERED”. Cuz BEING “TRIGGERED” usually feels really, really bad.
But it is pretty much a given, that in significant relationships we somehow, mysteriously, magically find a partner with just the right “chemistry” to touch our deep woundedness in just the right way to cause this “stuff” to come up.
What most of us do, is switch partners hoping the new one won’t make us feel so bad. But then the old stuff comes up again… and again… and again….
But ultimately WE are the ones making ourselves feel bad and these “trigger moments” are actually the most MASSIVE opportunities we have for clearing this “stuff” out.
There’s an old therapeutic cliche that is a cliche because its damn TRUE:
“We cannot heal what we cannot feel.”
But most of us don’t know what to actually do to heal the stuff that we are suddenly feeling.
Last Friday, Shawna gave me permission to record our hypnosis/energy session, and if you’ve ever experienced old patterns or thought forms that just kind of cling to you and poison your relationships and your general well being, you might want to check it out and give it a test in your life.
It was useful to me as well to document the kind of work I do with clients one on one because it is a process that combines traditional hypnosis with conversational hypnosis, NLP, Time line Techniques and energy work. I haven’t talked much about energy healing because, even though that was my original training for 5 years under one of Barbara Brennon’s early students, I mostly avoided it because it seemed to be a little too “woo, woo” for some of my early clients who were a bit unused to “healing” as a concept.
But after working with Dr. Donnie Epstein last month, who is all about energy healing, I just started bringing it into the mix.
Today’s Transformation Tune, Song # 344 “Let It Go”, supports this trauma release process as well, and is an integral part of the new course too. It was inspired by many of my first clients back in 2004.
Because ultimately the people who show up in a hypnosis practice for weight loss and smoking cessation, anxiety relief or whatever, are pretty much all dealing with unhealed “stuff” in their lives and are using “substances”, food, tobacco etc. to self soothe.
When we actually address and clear the underlying trauma, all of a sudden the need to “check out” dissipates. Sometimes it happens suddenly, other times it’s a gradual process. But either way it’s better than just suffering and staying stuck in the muck.
– Mark
p..s. As I write this post on Thursday March 10th, the course is not quite ready for release to the general public.
p.p.s. I will see YOU on the INSIDE!
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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- Check out Hypnosis for PTSD
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