How To Use FRUSTRATION To Move Forward
Depending on your own level of frustration, you might want to play the transformation tune first today and then read the post… or maybe the other way around… :o)
I don’t know about you but I have a fairly low threshold for tolerating frustration.
Think of frustration
as an energy block.
It’s not something someone is doing to you. You and I no longer have the luxury of playing the “victim role” in the adventure story of our lives…
But the “thing” that is causing frustration won’t just go away because you wish it to. It is something that needs to be dealt with… consciously and lovingly.
Frustration in our own lives with jobs and co-workers, loved ones and situations that seem “unchangeable” can either drive us crazy or inspire and motivate us to take action.
Frustration calls for reflection, “getting the lesson” and then intelligent sustainable action.
The first thing we have to remember (and I am writing this for ME as well as YOU :o), is that the obstacles, blocks, “dead-ends” and annoying “stuck-ness” feelings are PERFECT.
We are being CHALLENGED to up our game.
The question is How Deep are you willing to Go in working on it?
- Gandhi’s frustration led him to invent a whole new way of creating change in South African and India Non-Violent Protest. His frustration eventually led to MASSIVE action and a change of ideas that is still rocking this world and influencing leaders such as Martin Luther King and Nelson Mendala.
- Benjamin Franklin’s frustration with the postal system caused him to develop the first dependable postal service between the original 13 colonies, and it was his connections and travels between the colonies that helped him do his part in uniting them. His frustration with other aspects of colonial living caused him to organize the first volunteer fire department, lighted streets, lending libraries, and something we today call “the master mind” principle. Thank god for old Benjy’s frustration!
Frustration is the mother of all invention.
There have been some things that have frustrated me for 40 years. Forty damn years!
I started writing songs in 1976. They were so good that people would be stunned and astonished that this 16 year old kid was writing stuff that seemed way beyond his years. Whatever.
My songwriting came out of my own personal frustration at not being able to say out loud in words to other people what I was really feeling and thinking. I turned all the stuff inward and somehow I was able to turn all the crap I was feeling into lyrics and music that metaphorically expressed the inexpressible…
And then year after year I couldn’t for the life of me perform that damn things or “get them out in the world where they could do some good”….
Because I couldn’t perform them, I began to attempt to find ways to just record and preserve them. Which cost money. So I began to learn how to make money. And in that arena I crashed and burned more times than I care to admit. At one point I bought 4 houses for nothing down at the top of the 1980’s real estate bubble. That bubble BURST and I lost everything (and not for the last time!).
Eventually I surrendered to a higher power… and started working on my own “stuff” as if my life depended upon it (which is kind of did when you think about the alternative to actually doing the work).
Remember “stuff?”
We all have “stuff”. The “stuff” that gets triggered unconsciously and leaves us feeling shame, anger, fear, guilt, sadness without any logical or reasonable reason. The “Stuff” that drives us crazy and makes us MISERABLE.
“STUFF” = A technical term.
But I contend with all my heart and all my soul that our “stuff” is the greatest gift we have. Without it’s uncomfortable nudging, (or SHOVING) we would stay complacently satisfied with whatever small little box we have managed to build for ourselves.
It’s freedom time people.
It’s action time. More on this soon.
Now about the “Transformation Tune of the Day”, Song #58 Visions of You (I Wreck My Soul)
I wrote it while I was at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1982… I was 22 How old were you?
Make sure you listen to the end for the “shift” moment. :o)
Instead of wishing you “peace” today, I lovingly wish you “FRUSTRATION” of the best kind.
May you be motivated to know
- You are not alone.
- Your frustration is a gift and a challenge
- You can do this.
- Together We CAN Change The World
- Changing the world starts INSIDE.
And I will see YOU on the INSIDE!
– Mark
p.s. along the way my frustration caused me to be motivated to learn how to change my own mind and body to support my big dream of making a positive difference in the world through my word and music. The result is a growing body of personal transformation tools and programs that people all over the world are finding helpful in their own transformational journeys.
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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