Some People Make A Living Surfing.
So I have a point to make. I make it pretty clearly in this video. Watch it to find out.
So what do you think? What is it for you that is the equivalent of “surfing”?
And what do you tell yourself when you see other people doing what you would “love” to do?
- Did they just get lucky?
- Were they born with a silver spoon in their mouths?
- Were they in the right place at the right time?
- What else do you tell yourself?
- What beliefs do you have in place that block YOU from doing what you actually want to do?
What would it be like to be able to let go of those old limiting beliefs AT WILL? Easily? Safely?
Once the “table is cleared” of old patterns, baggage, habits, limiting beliefs etc, you can then install beliefs that SUPPORT your healing, personal growth, and expansion…
Sometimes it takes a moment. Sometimes it takes a long time. Either way it’s worth going for…
Learn how in CRUSH anxiety FOREVER! (special beta test price expires soon)
– Mark
p.s. if someone can make a living surfing, I personally believe that it MUST be possible do find a way to make a living that YOU love.
Photo Credit – Copyright: allg / 123RF Stock Photo
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