I got an email from Caroline in Ireland who recently checked out my “How To Get Over A Breakup” course. Somehow in the midst of a busy life I’d managed to mess up one of the modules. And by “mess up” I mean a KEY component of Module 4 was missing. THE key video that actually DELIVERED the technique that I was teaching. How to stop focusing on the loss, or the ex, or the belief that “I’ll never find anybody to love me” kind of emotional/cognitive “Loops” that we get stuck in… How to literally blast that pattern out of your neurology.
Pretty serious screwup. (Grateful to Caroline for letting me know! I’ve only been selling this course for FIVE years and NO ONE ever mentioned it MIGHT be missing a key video!)
Since it was a while ago… figuring out WHERE the heck the original files were on one of my many “backup” hard drives seemed like it would take more time than just redoing the darn thing…
So I re-did it. Got my white board and camera and went down to the river to do it live and in person.
That done, I added it to the course…. And of course (pun intended) the next day I had some more ideas as well as a question from ANOTHER course member which got me deep into “flow state” so I made 2 more videos.
So I want to share these 3 updates to one of my best selling courses so you can
a. experience what I do
b. get some help if you need it getting over any one, any thing, any time you find yourself stuck in an emotional loop or rut. This is one of the best tools for breaking out of the breakup emotional dumpster diving state that we all get stuck in from time to time.
c. get inspired by the idea that there IS hope! You CAN let go and move one in a healthy POSITIVE way after the end of a relationship.
Let me know if you have questions! Contact me
If you find these useful I highly encourage you to check out this course: How To Get Over A Breakup
Here’s the Missing Video (1 of 3):
Here’s the followup (2 of 3):
Here’s the followup to the followup video (3 of 3):
Here’s the link if you’re ready to check out this course: How To Get Over A Breakup
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