Today’s Mind Mastery Daily, my beloved Transformation Tribe is about the journey.
Coming Home To Yourself
No matter what your circumstances of birth, your childhood, your teen years, your current situation as an adult, you are in a PROCESS. You are on a JOURNEY.
Life is filled with challenges and opportunities. Some say they are actually one and the same thing.
It is only our INTERPRETATION of events that make them “problems” or “solutions”.
To illustrate this today I want to share a song that has evolved over the years.
The original version this song, #175, was about the work I was doing in the late 80’s and 90’s healing my life. I was struggling on many fronts.
Physically, I was exhausted and seemed to be unable to digest my food properly.
Emotionally I was full of anger, sadness, fear, shame…you name it I was getting clobbered by it.
I could not for the life of me seem to be able to do anything significant with my music. Couldn’t perform it or sell it or market it or anything other than write song, after song, after song, after song…(that seemed destined to never be heard).
On the positive side of things, it was around this time that I began to add drumming and storytelling to the mix of music that was pouring through me.
Somewhat out of desperation, I began to study energy healing with a woman named Mearah Marqua who was one of physicist and energy healer Barbara Brennon’s first students. I studied with her and a group of other people seeking to heal their lives one weekend a month for about 5 years. Slowly things began to change.
But just so you know, first things fell apart even more!
First I had to lose the 4 houses I’d bought for “nothing down” and sell the Title Insurance business that was killing me…
Bankruptcy and foreclosure. “Failure” some might call it.
Looking back? “MIRACLES”, “GIFTS”, “RELEASE”!
Eventually, step by step (always taking way longer than I wanted :o) the healing began and the thriving and joy followed.
Then as I continued on my own healing journey, it became apparent as I dove into Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistics (NLP) in the early 2000’s, that a slight update was required linguistically to pre-suppose that the healing had already taken place…
You Mind Mastery TIP, is to begin to play with referring to your “problems” in the PAST TENSE.
So today’s Mind Mastery assignment, (should you choose to accept it) is to acknowledge today how far you’ve actually come on your own healing journey. Give yourself a little credit for all the work you’ve done on healing yourself, your work, your relationships, your body, your life.
And then share this song and post with anyone you know who may need some healing support.
None of us are alone in this process of healing even though sometimes it feels that way.
Today, imagine me, surrounding YOU with light, love, support, encouragement and the idea that you are making progress!
Because you are!
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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