Hey, hey, hey, hey,
Surprise! a VERY short video for you today.
With a new song that is just now moving through me…
Inspired by what I talked about in yesterday’s video/blog post about Dr. Donnie Epstein…
Grounded in the idea that the only two things we humans can control in our world is
1. Where we are focusing our attention or What we are focusing ON…
2. What meaning we give to whatever is happening…
To simplify it into a “chant” or “rap”
It becomes a new mantra…
Where is my focus?
What am I making it mean?
Your assignment today is to write this out, whisper it to yourself, chant it, rap it, sing it… all day long and then let me know how your day went.
Got it? Good!
Cool and groovy. I’m outa hear!
(yes you beloved detail oriented “spell checkers out there”, I MEANT to spell here, “Hear” it’s called “Phonological ambiguity” in Ericksonian Conversational Hypnosis… Sum People call it Punning… But it adds up to something deep going on in your unconscious mind… That’s right… mmm hmmm :o)
– Mark
p.s. HEY! a special warm welcome to New Transformation Nation Members Jason from upstate New York and Carina from Hamburg Germany!
p.p.s. Focusing on how bad things are? Want to stop doing that? Need help shifting it? Check out CRUSH anxiety NOW!
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