Eliminating Routines.
Got any HABITS?
We all do.
We all get settled into little habits and routines in our daily lives.
Hell even the way you brush your teeth or take a shower is a repeatable, step by step, PROCESS that you probably do exactly the same way every… single… day…
And that’s cool. The “habit forming mechanism” of your Unconscious Mind does that for a reason. When you don’t have to THINK about something consciously, it can be handled most efficiently and effectively by your unconscious mind.
Think Time and Energy Savings…
A good thing.
Unless… you are STUCK in a rut of habits and comfort zone safety that you “theoretically” want to break out of so you can experience more joy, more love, more health, more money, more FREEDOM.
If you DO desire to reach a place of fluid, resourceful empowerment, you might want to watch this video…
It’s about “Eliminating Routines” where I explain why small, intentional, incremental changes are good for you and How to embrace change in a way that gently and steadily creates multiple layers of positive results in every area of your life…
Here’s the video:
Your assignment today is to play with interrupting one small, almost un-noticable routine or habit.
Sometimes I play with brushing my teeth with my non-dominant hand, other days I change up my food routines. It can be as simple as going for a walk in a different park or neighborhood.
It can be doing anything you don’t usually do. Drive a different way to work today… do something, anything different… It could be listening to the music your kids are into (or your parents are into). It could be doing something totally out of character like having a conversation with a total stranger on a street corner about the recent total eclipse of the moon. Whatever.
Just play with mixing SOMETHING up a bit today.
Once we get in the HABIT of interrupting HABITS. We are less and less victims of being “stuck” in old ones that no longer serve us.
Got it? Awesome!
See you on the INSIDE!
p.s. HEY! a huge “Transformation Nation” shout out to all the Awesome Beta Testers who have helped My friend Michael Guerin and I get some of the log in details and accessibility improvements in place for the new CRUSH anxiety NOW! We moved the course from where it WAS to this website right here, HonestHypnosis.com. From now on whenever you action takers want to log in to one of the courses you’ve purchased, you can just click on the members tab at the top of this site or if you’re not here yet, go to HonestHypnosis.com and click the “members” tab which will take you to the log in form and then on to your course materials.
This was a carefully considered CHANGE OF ROUTINE for all of us from my decision to bring all of my courses under one, single, unifying idea: That everything I do, musically, artistically, professionally, is about Transformation and Personal Empowerment. BOOM! INSTANTLY, all the different areas of expertise and interest, talent and passion, are “on the same team”. So thank you for participating in the beginning of a HUGE master plan designed to bring powerful self help and self hypnosis tools to the lives a people all over the globe who are ready and willing to invest in themselves to get the results they want in their lives.
Whew! Didn’t know I was feeling so passionate about that! But I AM. I LOVE this! Thank you!
P.P. S. Also a HUGE shout out of thanks to by dear friend and supporter, Michael Guerin, who is helping me with all the technical stuff and web stuff, so that I can focus on helping YOU. If you ever need help with wordpress websites and deep Search Engine Optimization stuff check out his site at BestWebPresence.com
Contact Me!
photo credit – Copyright: macrovector / 123RF Stock Photo
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