I was returning my used egg cartons recently to the Honest Weight Food Co-op here in Albany NY. There were admittedly a huge stack of them because I hadn’t bothered to bring them in for quite a while, one of my friends there, a young woman in her 20’s commented. “Wow that’s a lot of eggs! aren’t you worried about your cholesterol?”
No. I’m not.
Eggs are just about the most perfect food you could ever eat. Who told us otherwise?
Think about it! We have been eating bird eggs for millions of years. But in the last 25-30 years there has been a radical experiment going on with our diets.
Just like the old story of Chicken Little shouting, “The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling” someone shouted into the the mainstream media, “Eggs are bad!” “Fat makes you fat”, “High Cholesterol Causes Heart Attacks!” “Eggs have cholesterol”
So let’s MANUFACTURE an egg substitute.
Let’s Manufacture bacon substitutes
Let’s sell the hell out of it to the gullible American public…
And Viola! An obesity epidemic… Which we can “solve” with drugs and surgery!
So today, I’m going to talk a bit about the egg. And I’m going to urge you to open your mind back up to this super food.
Here’s what Dr. Joseph Mercola has to say about eggs
If you eat them in the healthiest forms (i.e. raw or poached), you can easily eat one dozen eggs per week as a simple and cost-effective way to add valuable nutrition to your diet. Each egg contains about six grams of high-quality protein, and two raw egg yolks have antioxidant properties equivalent to half a serving of cranberries (25 grams), and almost twice as many as an apple.1
Eggs also contain choline, selenium, biotin, B vitamins, phosphorus, and more, making them are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. And, contrary to popular belief, eating eggs may actually help prevent disease, including heart disease. For example, previous studies have found:
- Consumption of more than six eggs per week does not increase the risk of stroke and ischemic stroke
- Eating two eggs a day does not adversely affect endothelial function (an aggregate measure of cardiac risk) in healthy adults, supporting the view that dietary cholesterol may be less detrimental to cardiovascular health than previously thought
- Proteins in cooked eggs are converted by gastrointestinal enzymes, producing peptides that act as ACE inhibitors (common prescription medications for lowering blood pressure)
- A survey of South Carolina adults found no correlation of blood cholesterol levels with “bad” dietary habits, such as use of red meat, animal fats, fried foods, butter, eggs, whole milk, bacon, sausage, and cheese
Full article here: Dr. Joseph Mercola on Eggs
One thing I learned this morning from Dr. Mercola’s article is that the less you cook your eggs the better nutritionally they are. The caveat here is that you MUST get eggs that are organic and free range, not to mention FRESH. Just like all the other factory farmed foods that our industrial agriculture system creates, factory produced eggs are lower in nutritional content and are more likely to be contaminated.
I’ve been eating most of my eggs in omelets. I will from this point forward be either lightly poaching them or adding them to my protein shakes raw.
The other thing that no one mentions: on a lot of “natural” egg cartons is the statement “Vegetarian Fed Hens.” Doesn’t that seem good? But just consider this: Chickens allowed to range freely, “free-range” chickens, eat seeds and BUGS. Bugs are not vegetables. Bugs are the equivalent of meat. Excellent protein and fat sources. So feeding chicken a diet of grains and calling it healthy is just another one of the linguistic tricks that are being used to confuse and mis-educate us.
Time to wake up people! This amazing vehicle you call your body, needs the proper fuel to function optimally. Let’s start by taking charge of what we put in our mouths as well as our minds!
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