What I’m talking about in the video when I reference the “Petty Tyrant” is the use by the Ancient Toltec Seers of a person of power (even over life and death) to rid the self of self importance and to prepare the seer for his or her inevitable appointment with infinity.
What Donald Trump is offering this country is the opportunity to wake up to the fact that our rights, freedoms and way of life are NOT guaranteed. They may be guaranteed under the Constitution but they are not guaranteed by life, the universe, whatever. We still have to guard them with our intent. But being afraid and anxious robs us of our own internal power. The opportunity is to be fluid and formless like water flowing over rocks.
When we indulge in anxiety we lose sight of the practical and immediate actions we can take to transform our own personal world.
This may be deeper than you want to go right now but please be patient with yourself and your feelings right now. This is a time more than ever to practice the anxiety relief tools that deliver rapid results…. IF we practice them. Having a convenient petty tyrant offers us the opportunity and the impetus to PRACTICE.
If you are ready and would like to go deeper with me… here’s how
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