Your Unconscious Mind Runs Your Body.
When you are experiencing an anxiety attack or a panic attack you are feeling it in your body right? Whether you like it or not, your unconscious mind is causing the fight or flight reaction because it is reacting to the perceived threat of your conscious focus. In other words if you are thinking about something bad happening at some point in the future, your unconscious mind (thinks it’s happening now) reacts as if that threat is real.
Boom! Fight or flight hormones being released from your adrenal glands. You’re shaking. You’re Freaking out. Not fun.
Want to fix it?
First you have to be aware that your unconscious mind picks up on what you are consciously (and unconsciously) focusing on. Then, it responds on a bodily level in an attempt to preserve the body and keep you safe from whatever perceived threat you are focusing on. So focus on what you want.
Stop focusing on what you do not want. Simple? Yes. Easy? Not always…
Watch the video:
Ready to clear the fear… for good?
If you suffer from phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, shyness, GAD, social anxiety, approach anxiety, performance anxiety, fear of flying, fear of speaking in public, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), worry, nervousness or any other fear or trauma based challenge, I can help you clear the fear without harmful drugs or endless therapy through…
- My Clear the Fear Fast home study course: How to Clear the Fear Fast
- My affordable online self help course: How To Stop Anxiety Without Harmful Drugs or Endless Therapy
Whichever one is right for you each of these safe, proven, and effective methods can help you stop anxiety, panic attacks, fears and phobias… for good.
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