It rained last night so I didn’t get to go out on the Hudson River for my daily “office hours.” I stumbled on this short Word Porn video of Wim Hoff.
In case you haven’t heard of Wim Hoff, who is known for his ability to master his mind and body in extreme conditions of cold, this is a good, short introduction to the man and his ideas.
I completely agree with him that we have in our minds and bodies the ability to heal ourselves. and the job of hypnotizing ourselves should be our own. Most people have been hypnotized by the main stream media which is owned by the same people who own our governments.
(watch the George Carlin “WordPorn” afterwards….)
The point is healing does not come from a pill. Healing comes from reducing imflammation so the body can heal itself. What causes inflammation? The modern processed food diet. Sugar, Transfats, grains, factory farmed meats, animals raised in their own filth, pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormones…
THAT is why I grow my own vegetables and have switched to grass fed beef…
THAT is why i continued to feel better and better while others my own age are getting fatter and sicker.
Taking charge of my own mind was the ONLY option I had because I didn’t have the means to get meds for my severe depression and anxiety. It took me years but steadily my health and happiness improved as I took more and more responsibility for my own thoughts, and experiences.
So I learned energy healing, Neuro Linguistics and Hypnosis because I was miserable and was willing to try anything. But the real discovery was that I was hypnotizing myself and “programming” myself for failure and misery from a very young age.
When I changed my thinking my life changed as well. What you think and what you say to yourself, what you focus on, how you interpret what happens to you on a daily basis, THOSE actions ARE HYPNOSIS.
When are YOU going to wake up to the fact, that YOU are the hypnotist? YOU are your own best healer or worst enemy. Start paying attention not only to what you put in your body, but what you put in your mind. What you allow to be in your MIND… is your hypnosis practice.
Why DOES it work out better than you can possibly IMAGINE?
Thank you,
Mark Shepard
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