Hey! Mark Shepard here, “The Singing Hypnotist” it’s…
Day #4 of the current 90 Day Transformation Challenge with…
Today’s Mind Mastery Message:
How To be your own parent even if your childhood sucked. You didn’t know it at the time but your parents were your first hypnotists! You uncritically absorbed and accepted their values, beliefs, suggestions, commands, stories, habits, fears, patterns etc., whether they supported your or hindered you in become who you really want to be… or not.
In many ways it is clear to me that ultimately hypnosis is literally the process of you becoming your own best parent. In today’s Mind Mastery Message, I explore a little bit from the book “Grit” by Angela Duckworth on how to be an effectively supportive AND lovingly demanding parent for yourself as well as your own kids, employees, mentees, coaching clients, students, friends, relatives, lovers etc.
Psssst! Remember that this video or the alternate audio only version is a Conversational Hypnosis Session that you can listen to anywhere while you do other things… explore playing it over and over again while you work out, go for a walk, make dinner, or pretend to be working. :o)
Here’s the audio only version:
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Here’s your Transformation Tune For Today:
Song #467 “Goodnight To Someone”
More about this Transformation Tune at MarkShepardSongs.com
Any questions? Any answers? Any Stories from YOUR life about how YOU are applying the Daily Mind Mastery and Transformation Tunes? I want to hear from you!
The important thing is just to be fully aware that you CAN realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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