So as part of the 90 Day tRansformation Challenge, I’m “stepping into” a new “handle” “brand” or whatever you want to call it.
My friend Ned Depew saw me at the Honest Weight Food Co-op last week and made a point of telling me, “You know Mark, I’ve been thinking, you might consider calling yourself ‘The Singing Hypnotist’.”
And it was weird because I’ve been asking myself over and over again in my meditaitons and self hypnosis talk, “How can I authentically and holistically integrate my music, my message and my methods of personal transformation in a way that people instantly can relate to and understand? How can I combine what I do into one thing, that keeps me focused and on target without constraining and limiting me?”
So I sat down last night with my guitar and proceeded to sing a phrase that I heard somewhere or read somewhere.
“Sometimes you have to be nobody before you can be somebody” It’s kind of the perfect hypnotic phrase. it’s vague enough so that whoever is hearing it can translate it into whatever works for their unconscious mind… and ultimately the 90 day challenge as well as my one on one hypnosis and NLP work is all about becoming who we really want to be isn’t it?
So here’s what happened once I turned my cameras on. (I’m continuing to experiment with 2 cameras in order to improve the “watchability” of my musical videos. But I’ve also decided to start posting these as audio only podcasts to soundcloud.) Let me know what you think.
Here’s the audio only version:
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Get the full lyrics for this new song over at MarkShepardSongs.com : Song # 529 Be Somebody (world premiere)
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