I was away last week in Toronto for a very cool “Immersion Master Mind” for Thought leaders. It was MONUMENTAL.
I thought I would be able to keep posting my Mind Mastery Daily and Transformation Tunes for you while I was away… but IMMERSION is IMMERSION.
So I accepted that some “routines” were going to be “interrupted” and I embraced FOCUSING on soaking up some powerful and transformative ideas and strategies for doing what I do, BETTER.
And YOU will benefit from that in the days and weeks to come.
Now back to today.
mmmmmmmmmm MONDAY!
One of my absolute FAVORITE days of the week!
Here we go:
Monday’s Mind Mastery Message:
The Power of the Master Mind!
I’m kind of on the “M” kick today. As well as a MASTERY kick…
One of the great “take aways” from my learning adventure in Toronto last week was the absolute POWER of hanging out with people who are pursuing their passionate purpose in life.
Study after study has shown that people tend to match the income and achievement levels of the people they hang out with the most.
Napoleon Hill in his MASTERFUL book “Think and Grow Rich” mapped out the idea of the “master mind”.
And my favorite songwriter said, “Together we can change the world”…
And of course there was a dude back in “0” AD who said to his 12 buddies, “Where two or more are gathered amazing stuff can happen…”
So last week, not only did I get to experience the inspirational company of some amazing peak performers who like myself are rolling up their sleeves and getting to work on themselves, their lives, and bringing their talents and gifts to the task of making a positive difference in the world,
I got to rub elbows a bit with Olympic Gold Medalist, Mark McKoy.
Not only is he the only Canadian to bring home an Olympic Gold medal in the last 30 years, but he did it at age 30 in an event that considers a 25 year old… OLD.
For a 2 minute jolt of joy, inspiration and grooviness watch this video and see Mark McKoy WIN the Olypmic Gold Medal AGAINST ALL ODDS!
I LOVE the part where the STUNNED CBC broadcasters literally didn’t know what to say other than, “Unbelievable!” (Luckily HE believed in himself because THEY surely didn’t).
One of the key strategies he employed in his 16 year quest was to find and work with the best coaches in the world as well as to surround himself with the company of his BEST competitors. The Master Mind Effect.
The guy who won Silver was his best friend who he lived and trained with. They pushed each other and caused each other to be better.
One of the greatest challenges with anyone who seeks to transform his or her life is to seek the company of other people who have the effect of PULLING YOU UP. Sometimes this requires letting go of some relationships that do not PULL YOU UP.
I found this to be incredibly true over the years as a hypnotherapist working with people who wanted to stop smoking (or other habits and addictions) if you quit smoking and then go hang out with a bunch of smokers, it’s going to be a lot harder than if you go hang out with a bunch of non smokers. Does that make sense?
Same deal with food issues. If you are attempting to transform your eating and exercise habits, it’s a lot more helpful to hang out with folks who are exercising and nourishing their bodies intelligently than your old gang of couch potato fast food fans.
Whatever you want to achieve in life, you might want to consider finding some other people who have done that or are deep in the process of doing it, and go hang out with them.
Make sense? Engage the master mind effect.
So your assignment today (should you choose to accept it) is to take a loving, compassionate look at the company you keep.
Is it supporting you becoming a better person? Or is it pulling you back to being someone you “used” to be? (And BTW my new weekly Music, Message, Meditation, Movement Meet-Up called “Transformation Tuesday” will be a place where you’ll be able to meet other people like yourself who are seeking the source of their own healing, success, strengths, talents and magnificence. ) The Master Mind Effect.
If you’re local to Albany NY I hope you’ll join us. If you are not, please watch this space for info on our live streaming broadcasts and replays.
And Now for Today’s Transformation Tune:
Song # 320 “Field of Dreams”
That’s it for now!
Ahhhh Who Ahhh!
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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P.S. Jump onto the Transformation Nation email list and watch your inbox for your live streaming of Transformation. Tuesday.
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