A Jolt of “G” for You Today!
Today’s Mind Mastery “technique” is ancient and ridiculously simple.
I call it a Jolt of “G”.
“G” of course refers to “GRATITUDE” my beloved Dudes and Dudettes!
Gratitude is actually an extremely accessible form of self hypnosis. You can do it any time, any place.
For your listening support, I offer you this “wide awake” hypnosis session in song:
As my musical mentor Roger Mock pointed on in one of his talks at Unity, Gratitude and a positive attitude in the face of events that appear on the surface to be “Not positive”, IS “Pollyanna”.
Pollyanna has gotten a bad rap.
He reminded us that Pollyanna was not a sickly sweet, pie in the sky, idiot wandering around blathering inane positivities. She was an orphan dealing with some intense loss and hardship and she managed to keep her “sh#t” together by relentlessly focusing on what she was grateful for and what was good in her life.
People laughed at her and eventually she couldn’t sustain her gratitude in the face of the overwhelming obstacles she was confronted with in her life.
So the people that didn’t quite believe in the idea, came to her aid and supported her with THEIR positive thoughts and gratefulness. And THEY found it useful and empowering and transformative…
The bottom line is that Gratitude is useful.
Not because it’s “NICE” but because it quite literally changes the bio-chemistry of the body for the better. It triggers resourcefulness and personal empowerment.
When you are in an attitude of gratitude you are focusing your mind on what is right, what is good, what is positive, as well as how blessed, prosperous and loved you are.
The other choice is to focus on lack, deprivation, hard luck, and how lonely you might be.
Personally I prefer to feel good. The more I focus on how blessed I am the more blessed I seem to be… funny how that works huh?
So your assignment today (should you choose to accept it) is to take a moment and make a list of 10 things you are grateful for in your life right now (overachievers can do more if you want).
I’ll go first:
- I’m grateful for the internet so I can share my music and ideas with people all over the world like YOU.
- I’m grateful for my family
- I’m grateful for my friends
- I’m grateful for Leila the Labrador Retriever I’m taking care of while my friend Mike is away.
- I’m grateful for the ability to walk and move my body
- I’m grateful for my clients
- I’m grateful for YOU my beloved readers and members at large of the growing “Transformation Nation”
- I’m grateful for my songwriting compulsion
- I’m grateful for the food I had for breakfast
- I’m grateful for simply being able to be alive and filled with wonder about being alive to being alive!
AHHHHHHHHHHHH…. So simple. Yet so powerful. Please do this little exercise. You can continue it throughout the day… You might want to see if you can get up to 100 by the end of your day… and guess what? you can repeat things you are grateful for. It’s impossible to cheat at this. :o)
For your listening support, I offer you this “wide awake” hypnosis session in song: Song #458 I’m Grateful
That’s it for today. Rock on my friend! I am DEEPLY grateful for YOU! Thanks for checking in and participating in the Transformation of this planet!
– Mark
p.s. I’m also grateful for
- having a roof over my head,
- hot and cold running water,
- the wood pile and wood stove that keep me warm,
- my fingers that allow me to type almost as fast as I can think,
- my guitars,
- the new smaller sized pants I’m wearing,
- the incredibly rich organic coffee I just drank…
- the air I just breathed in…
- my eyes that see so well and
- the eyelids that blink without me working too hard to blink them :o),
- I’m grateful for my car and
- the mail carrier and UPS and FedEx and Amazon.com.
- I’m grateful that SOMEONE other than me wants to run for president cuz I certainly prefer not to.
- I’m grateful that there are people everywhere pursuing their passion and making a positive difference in the world…
to be honest, once you get going with this gratitude stuff it’s kind of hard to stop… but why would you even want to? Just keep going.
Have an awesome gratitude filled day!
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