Here’s today’s fresh and groovy video… In it I continue to explore the idea of interrupting routines and habits with a radical idea about how to turn your “job” into “surfing”…
Some people have found a way to make a living surfing…
Some people have found a way to make surfing into a “job”…
Some people have found a way to turn their “Job” into “surfing…
Try it. You might like it…
Routines and habits can be tremendously helpful and they are literally the result of you training your unconscious mind over a period of time, so that you can stop using up your precious conscious mind attention (which has some limitations believe me) and let your MASSIVE unconscious mind just add it to its automated “programming”.
The challenge is when you’ve gone through a ton of effort to turn something (like smoking or biting your nails) into a habit, and then realizing that you want to stop it.
You’ve got to understand a little bit about how you’re wired in order to “make it so”.
so the practice of interrupting routines is a good place to start “loosening things up”.
Most of us spend MOST of our time at work or working. So it’s a good place to adjust our attitudes.
Todays Challenge is to find a way to turn exactly what you are doing right now for work into “surfing”.
How can you do the absolute best job you can with no attachment to praise or getting a raise. To just surf the wave of work with the utmost grace, elegance, élan, and joy today?
I’m talking about just one day. No big commitment. Try it and see if you like it…
I’ll see YOU on the INSIDE! Cowabungah!
– Mark
Photo credit – Copyright: chrisvanlennephoto / 123RF Stock Photo
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