Fullfilling an assignment from one of my mentors, I checked in with myself and looked back over the last 10 years to see if I could “get” the amount of progress I’ve made…
Here’s the Daily Mind Mastery video version:
As you may know if you’ve been following my stuff for a while, I learned all this “Modern Jedi” mind mastery stuff BECAUSE I WAS SO FREAKING MISERABLE about not being able to “get out of my own way” enough to get my music out into the world in any significant or sustainable way.
So I sat and reflected a while and then jumped up and went to Youtube.com to do a little search.
I typed in “Together We Can Change The World Song” and started sifting through all the different videos and versions of my song.
Here’s what turned up:
I only had a few minutes but I added up all the views and it came to something like 750,000 views!
so I guess I HAVE made progress LOL…
Fired up by THAT.
I did another search, for my original “How To Stop Anxiety Without Harmful Drugs or Endless Therapy” series.
And when I counted up all the views for that, it came to over 300,000!
Together that’s over a million sets of Eyes and Ears… COWABUNGAH BABY!
The point is to check in with yourself from time to time to make sure you are paying attention to the right things. I could have looked back and focused on the time I was homeless or all the “failures” I experienced. But even those things were just part of the process of the personal growth and transformation adventure I’ve been on.
DS your assignment for today, (should you choose to accept it) is to take a little time to reflect on how far you’ve come from where you used to be. Focus ONLY on the progress, the positive.
I’d love to hear your story. I’d love YOU to hear your story! The stories we tell ourselves is an entirely different topic for another day, but please remember, we always have a choice on how to interpret the events of our lives. Consciously go for the good.
And I’m outa here!
– Mark
p.s. if you want to watch how bad I was on camera back in 2008 check out my original stop anxiety series…
OMG! I have sooooooooooooo come a long way… yowsah!
How To Stop Anxiety Video from 2008
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