I got a sweet and wonderful email from one of the Transformation Nation members “at large,” Professional Airline Pilot, Javier from Spain… In response to my asking for emails from The “Tribe” to find out what folks are actively pursuing in their quest for excellence and improvements in their lives, he writes,
You asked us to know how the last 90 day challenge went. In my case it was dedicated to my job, my profession, more specifically to improve an important aspect of it which is verbal communication in your very own language. You know, English is the aviation communication channel.
I’ve been struggling with it since I can’t even remember. My goal for the past 90 days was to get to the level I think is the threshold of getting on listening and understanding a language, being able to go to a movie or to watch a sitcom and catch, say, 99% of it. For me there is a kind of a blockage. I understand you in your videos almost perfectly, the same when I’m watching a documentary or any other “formal” presentation, but I’ve got real trouble with everyday English. (That includes songs, I’m afraid).
So I started my “parallel” , sort to speak, 90 day challenge with that objective in mind. And I say parallel because for me it is kind of impossible to join your group in a normal level of participation, always changing time zones and sometimes in areas with an awful or non existent internet connection.
My challenge had, interestingly enough, a final exam. A real one. As a complement to my flight license, we are obliged to pass an English proficiency test that in my case was due to be performed in December. So I used a good part of my spare time watching movies and sitcoms selected not by their interest, (some of them were appalling), but for their language registry and cadence.
Three months later I passed the test, revalidating my 5 in a scale of 6. I did it more confidently than the last time I took the test some six years ago. The center in which I had it this time, time constraints would’t allow me other choice, was only cleared to give a max qualification of 5. I was aiming for the 6, but we’ll never know…
So here I am again confronted with the new 90 day challenge. I will hover with you in the distance while keeping working on my communication skills, which I consider still an open front, trying to ease that blockage in my ears that prevents me to get at the level that I desire.
Besides that, I’ve made a point out of being able to see my abs too. 51 and counting, I’ve also been working in the suppression of sugar, flour and starch from my diet and made certain that that’s the way to go, though now it’s time to apply it in a consistent, stricter way. To quantify the challenge I’ll put it this way, a journey from 165 to 155 lbs. Let’s go for it…
Finally, I’d like to thank you for being there, I enjoy following your almost daily mastery as regularly as I can. It’s really inspiring.
Best luck with your endeavor, I’m sure you’ll fill all the spots for the next 90 day challenge, and I wish all the best for your bullying prevention program. You are doing a great task there. It’ll pay it’s due dividends for certain.
Happy New Year, my friend. Who knows, this 2017 could be the year we cross paths and I’d have the honor of meeting you in person.
Warm greetings, from the Canary Islands this time.
\______0(.)0______/Javier F.
Thank You Javier!
I have to share this with the rest of you because YOU ALL inspire me!
I got fired up by Javier’s report. That’s why I ask for each of you to ENGAGE with me and let me know what’s going on with you. Write me emails! I sincerely want to know. The world is so full of people who just get by. So many people settle for whatever life has flung at them.
I know YOU are different than most people!
Me Too! We are life long learners, we are constantly and continually seeking ways to improve ourselves and our lives and our circumstances. We are self investing ACTION takers. We read self help books and actually APPLY the ideas to our actual LIVES.
Look around? How many people do you know who actually work on improving themselves?
And sometimes we feel a bit like we are different, “outsiders” or “Outliers” to use the term that Malcolm Gladwell uses. And you know what? It’s really cool to know that there are more of us out there.
COW-AH-BUNGAH! people! BOOM! Shazaaaaaam! Ah whoooo Ah! ZOOOOOOOM!
By way of thanking Javier, I created a hypnosis session this morning called, “FLUENT! : Hypnosis For Foreign Language Proficiency” and I dedicate it to Javier and anyone else who is seeking to master or be more masterful in a foreign language.
Because HE INSPIRED ME, I’m giving Javier free access to this hypnosis session. For anyone else who would also like to have it, you will discover that it is extremely affordable for a very short time. So check it out! And just get it! It’s an instant digital download so literally in moments you can be dialing back your recliner and installing powerful language confidence deep, deep, deep in your unconscious mind where it will be totally and completely accessible for you when you want and need it most!
Get “FLUENT!” Hypnosis for Foreign Language Proficiency and Mastery
Speaking of the 90 day challenge. Monday January 9th is the actual Kickoff for my own challenge. I’ve narrowed down what I want to work on and all systems are “GO!”
There’s nothing to buy or sign up for..There is absolutely no risk other than your fear of whatever… and THAT’S exactly what we will be clearing in ourselves. We all have hesitancy, we all have fears. We all have concerns that need to be recognized, released, healed, this is a PROCESS for ALL of us.
Wherever you are in it, is perfect.
Sam is ready to switch jobs and wants to create a higher income and more job satisfaction…
- Ulla is working on a new career as a corporate consultant…
- Cal is working on feeling comfortable and confident conversing and even flirting with women…
- Cathy wants to raiser her fees and expand her career as a professional speaker…
- Samantha is learning how to speak up and ask for what she wants in her relationships…
- Sue is working on creating healthy boundaries with her children (and her mother)…
- Ed is working on clearing a fear of heights at his new job
- Steve is working on losing 40 pounds…
- Sean is exploring several new ways to increase his income from his online businesses…
You might say they are all seeking success in some form or another…
And the only thing that is stopping them is…
- doing it all alone
- not having a safe place to run ideas by other people like them who won’t laugh or criticize
- not having the coaching or the tools and techniques to master their minds for a change in order to get what they want, with whom they want, when they want and how they want, easier, faster, better.
And that’s where the 90 day challenge comes in.
You are no longer alone.
Tawk to me people. I’m listening.
– Mark
P.S. What do YOU need help with? Drop me a line. Let me know what you want to work on during the next 90 day challenge. I have a few private coaching spots available on a couple of different levels. If you want more help than just following along with the (almost) Daily Mind Mastery Email/blog post and Transformation Tune, just contact me and we can figure out if we can make that happen in a win/win way.
P.P.S. I almost forgot! Here’s your daily transformation tune! (part of my 90 day challenge for myself is to add one song every day that has yet to be added to my BandCamp site… you can also find my latest songs over at MarkShepardSongs.com
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