Yeah. That’s what this is. It’s literally a hypnosis session in a song format…THIS is why they call me the “Singing Hypnotist”…
Even if this song is not your favored musical style, listen to it over and over again… or watch it over and over again… there have been days and weeks when I just had it playing softly in the background. Your unconscious mind hears EVERYTHING. So USE that. Let this get stuck in your head. “Ear Worms” don’t have to be annoying they can be powerful tools to keep you on track without you having to consciously THINK about it.
Also, remember that most performance issues are based on some pattern or habit of anxious thinking. Anxiety is thinking about what you do NOT want to have happen and your body responding to that powerful suggestion with all the same fight or flight chemistry that real bad events would cause if they were actually happening… to learn more about how you can take charge of your own “head trash” and DUMP it, check out my best selling online hypnosis course, “How to CRUSH anxiety NOW!”
Got questions? Contact me.
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