Have you ever wondered why credit cards are so addictive?
It’s a highly hypnotic process that fools us into spending more than we have for things we think we have to have right now.
As a highly suggestible hypnotic subject, I have fallen for the credit card scheme too many times. Back in the late 1980’s I actually bought a house with credit cards… remind me to tell you that story some day…. but in the meantime this short video is almost humorous.
One of the projects I’m working on right now is a program called, “The Hypnosis of Money” and it seems like the entire WORLD is drowning in so many layers and types of debt that the whole thing is literally a “hall of Mirrors in a House of Cards…”
Watch for my new song and music video, “Welcome to Amerika” coming soon!
If you have any questions about how hypnosis can help you to change the financial habits and patterns that have held you prisoner for so long reach out to me! I promise to respond personally.
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