The holidays are often a time of painful reflection looking back on past relationships. There are multiple levels of “stuff” we bring to every intimate relationship. This video nails the problem and explains it quite well. Check it out. It’s short. Then keep reading.
While helpful in explaining why we keep repeating the same patterns with every new lover, it does NOT actually “solve” the issue because there is no quick, easy fix. Their solution is to be rational and logical. But how do you manage to GET to a rational and “grown up” response when your childhood wounds are oozing emotional pus?
The solution is to learn some tools to get yourself out of reactivity. And the biggest challenge is to remember to use them.
I’ve covered these tools in a number of my courses. They pretty much work in any situation. Probably the best general tool kit for us highly sensitives is my “How To CRUSH anxiety NOW” course. The major emotion that gets triggered by our intimate relating is usually ANXIETY followed by anger and other toxic emotional states. My anxiety “crushers” work for ANY pattern of emotion or behavior that we get “stuck” in.
Or, if you’ve just ended a relationship you might want to check out “How To Get Over A Break Up”
If you’re interested in getting off the emotional rollercoaster of painful, dysfunctional love, you might want to check ’em out. I’ve kept the prices excruciatingly affordable with a solid money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by keeping an open mind…
Good luck and remember to breathe!
– Mark
p.s. let me know what you think ok? Contact me!
p.p.s. I’m working on a course for helping us wounded and confused (and loving) people to interrupt the and heal the childhood patterns that are causing us to repeat the same unconscious relationship traps BEFORE we jump into the next one… I think I may have to write a full blog post on this…
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