Self Love is actually the most powerful form of hypnosis. The greatest piece to the puzzle of living a joyful life is to continuously and relentlessly love ourselves more. This is NOT narcissism! Most narcissists are the way they are because they are unconscious and usually filled with fear. Self hypnosis to love yourself has to come from YOU.
Self love starts with ACCEPTING yourself exactly the way you are right now. Self acceptance and self love mean you are learning how to be kind to yourself. How to accept your sexuality. How to accept your weaknesses and “failures”. It’s cutting yourself a little slack instead of cutting yourself down.
In other words before we can change the world… We have to do this sometimes challenging work of learning to love and accept ourselves. Up for the challenge?
Begin today by watching or listening to this sound healing hypnosis session…. Enjoy!
IMPORTANT NOTES: This is another Sound Healing Hypnosis Session. The theme: “Increasing Self Love.” On 4-9-18.02 I just sat down to record song #510, “I Have Been Imagining” (I’d done 3 horrible takes up to that point) and what ended up happening was a full blown “singing hypnotist” session on the theme of Self Love, Self Acceptance & becoming the person you long to be in your heart of hearts… Not sure if it’s a session for YOU or ME. But we could ALL use a bit more self acceptance…
Your “assignment” is to listen to this on “replay” in the background as you a. go about your day or b. chill out in a comfy chair or bed absorbing the hypnotic suggestions…
Let me know what you think in the comments below! Thanks! – Mark
p.s. I finally was able to “color” correct the 3 cameras so they somewhat match… EVERYTHING is about LEARNING.
My CD’s are available At Amazon.com
Downloads are available at: http://markshepard.bandcamp.com
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My Life In Song Project: 5 Decades of Original Songs http://MarkShepardSongs.com
My Online Hypnosis Programs, Sessions and Courses to help you master your mind for a change in a multiple areas of your life http://HonestHypnosis.com
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