I was gonna release these over the course of several days, but then I just have too much other material that would have to wait in line so I’m just gonna jam all these cool videos together on this one page. I just want to say a few things before you jump in.
- My dad was in a pretty serious auto accident about a month ago. 2 cracked ribs and a cracked pelvis as well as a bit of a head trauma from a car slamming into his driver’s side door. They had to use the Jaws of Life to get him out of his car. So he’s doing really, really well. And it was a wake up call to me that the idea of making videos with my dad needs to happen NOW.
- In true observance of Radical Father’s Day, neither one of us combed our hair, shaved or took showers. We were just two dudes enjoying being dudes and talking about the stuff that we ALWAYS talk about off camera in real life. I wanted to capture that as simply and easily as possible without a bunch of formal stuff that might inhibit the old man.
- My dad has done about 50 years of research into the leading edge of health, wellness and nutrition which pairs up nicely with my 30 years of Modern Jedi Mind Mastery NLP, Hypnosis, EFT, Energy Healing stuff. I have affectionately “certified” him as an “Independent Alternative Health Field Expert.” Lewis M. Shepard, I.A.H.F.E. :o)
- You will be hearing from my dad more in the near future.
Here are the Radical Father’s day videos. Please like, share and subscribe to my Youtube channel!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Got questions for me or my dad??? Contact me!
Have money you want to share to support my work? YOU rock! My paypal email is Mark@MarkShepard.com ;o)
Want to git yerself over anxiety or other personal challenges? Check out my online hypnosis courses
Want to book me for your next conference, retreat, concert series, or special event? Contact me!
Want to download my songs for your personal Sound Healing self hypnosis practice? MarkShepard.Bandcamp.com
Have yourself a fabulous day! and I will see YOU… on the INSIDE!
– Mark
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