It’s day 67 of 90 Day Transformation Challenge #5
The Theoretical Physics of Being YOU
I’ve been doing a lot of deep inner work lately. I’ve noticed that there are patterns to my creative drives. A time of intense reflection and learning seems extremely necessary before and after each “pulse” of intense creativity and expression.
Look at any financial chart. You will see advances and pull backs.
Look at any trend line. You will see variations and patterns.
Weigh yourself every day first thing in the morning. You will notice that on Monday you may way several pounds less or more than you do on Friday.
Nothing is as “consistent” “constant” or predictable as we would like. Oh but we WANT to control everything don’t we? The weather? Other people? The economy?
We tend to think ourselves into rigid “boxes” of “consistency”. If we think if we can just apply enough will power or discipline, we can achieve our goal.
But what if, that’s all a distraction from the real work that is waiting to be done at a deeper level?
Check out today’s Mind Mastery Message: Self Hypnosis: The Theoretical Physics of Being YOU
Any questions? Please fee free to Contact Me
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How about a transformation song to uplift you for the rest of the day?
peace and groovyness!
See you on the INSIDE!
– Mark
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