Hey Kids, it’s Day 5 of 90 Day Transformation Challenge #5 and some SERIOUS transformation is happening…
…in my own mind!
(Today I’m going to talk about NLP Evidence Procedures and how they are a vital piece of the NLP Belief Change process…)
I decided after a lot of thought and meditative deliberation to revive my “Transformation Tuesdays” as the context and pretext for creating my next online hypnosis course, called, “Beyond Beliefs: Adventures in Mastering Your Mind For A Change To Live Your Dreams, Faster, Easier Better!”
(or something like that)
Anyway, the first class was this past Tuesday and It’s actually working out better than I can possibly imagine!
Module #1 is Done and if you want to follow along as I build the course you can still sign up for the “basic option” which is only $19.99 per month for the 3 months of this challenge.
If you would actually like to be in the class, I have room for 2 or 3 more folks and it’s only $99.00 per month, so if the add to cart button works there is still room. But I’m closing it down as soon as I get 10 people or by Tuesday night, April 18th whichever we hit first.
Here’s all the “buy me” buttons in case you can’t wait to join us until after you’ve read this whole article:
90 Day Challenge Basic – $19/month for 3 months
- Get access to the class videos AFTER the live sessions. Watch at your leisure.
- Get FREE, Lifetime access to the Limiting Beliefs course I will be creating as we go through this challenge.
90 Day Challenge Pro – $99/month for 3 months (expiring soon!)
- Everything for Basic, plus
- Access to & Participation in the live, weekly webinar
90 Day Challenge Expert – $199/month for 3 months (expiring soon!)
- Everything for Basic and Pro, plus
- Personal, Private, Confidential 15-30 minute check-in call each Month with me (since I currently charge $3,500 for a 90 day coaching period this saves you a ton of moolah).
But HURRY! This group is limited to 10 participants and we are about to shut the class down to any new members for the next 90 days. Don’t let someone else steal your spot…
[wpdevart_countdown text_for_day=”Days” text_for_hour=”Hours” text_for_minut=”Minutes” text_for_second=”Seconds” countdown_end_type=”date” end_date=”11-04-2017 23:59″ start_time=”1491860220″ end_time=”0,1,1″ action_end_time=”hide” content_position=”center” top_ditance=”10″ bottom_distance=”10″ ][/wpdevart_countdown]90 Day Transformation Challenge #5 – Choose the plan that’s right for you

What happened for me is that as I was describing the process of challenging our limiting beliefs and building what we call in NLP an “evidence procedure” for the new, empowered beliefs, I chose to use my own “stuff” as an example (hey, one of the main reasons I “teach” this stuff is because it helps me to “wawk my tawk”).
To counter the limiting belief that pops up from time to time in MY mind, of “Nobody wants to hear my music…”, I demonstrated my process of COUNTERING my own internal B.S. (That stands for “Belief Stuff”) by going to youtube and searching for “Together We Can Change The World.”
Then I counted up all the views of the various versions of the TWCCTW song and it turns out we are pretty damn close to A MILLION VIEWS!
Like this one, put up only a year ago it already has 250,000 views…
or this one with 463,000 views…
or this one with 69,000 views…
or this one with 25,000 views…
or this one with 41,000 views…
or this one with 33,000 views…
or this one (one of my favorites) by a group of Ukrainian orphans… with only 16,000 views…
or this one with me singing with a bunch of little kids from Waterbury CT… 28,000 views!
or this one in my living room… 14,000 views…
or this one (looking quite well fed, LOL) of my studio version… 4,000 views…
or this Karaoke version… 10,000 views…
or this district wide choral performance in the Niskayuna Schools performed at Proctors… 2,500
955,500 (is THAT enough evidence? Almost a MILLION?)
And this is NOT a boast. It’s EVIDENCE CONTRARY to the dumbass, defeatist voice that still sometimes rattles around in MY head.
The point is, if I STILL HAVE THAT VOICE AFTER ALL THESE YEARS OF WORKING ON MY CRAP, then just MAYBE….YOU might just have some negative little voices too. :o)
There’s an old story about a guy in a mental hospital who believed he was a corpse. The psychologists did everything they could to convince him that he was alive. But no. He INSISTED he was a corpse. Finally they asked him “do corpses bleed?”
“NO! Corpses DON’T bleed,” he replied.
So they pricked his finger and blood came out. Rather than changing his ridiculous belief, he responded, “I’ll be damned, corpses DO bleed!”. He just adjusted his belief to include the new evidence as proof that he was a corpse.
That’s an example of an evidence procedure that is working the WRONG way!
We are pretty weird creatures we humans!
YOUR evidence procedure is active and functioning right now but what “evidence” is it building about you and your life? Evidence that you’re not enough? Evidence that you “can’t do what you really want to do with your life?” Evidence that you’ll just end up being alone? Evidence that there’s never enough time, or money, or love?
OR, you COULD use the same evidence procedure to ADD to your internal awareness of your many SUCCESSES and to REINFORCE
- ALL the gifts
- AND talents
- AND abilities
- AND passion
- AND strength
- AND courage
- AND audacity
- AND boldness
- AND love
- AND power
that you have ALWAYS had… but that your old beliefs filtered out?
HERES ANOTHER ONE OF MY NEW EVIDENCE PROCEDURES… and by sharing this publicaly you better believe it helps to anchor it into my own neurology.
I suddenly remembered that I’ve been making videos and putting them up on YouTube for almost ten years now… so I did a search on my crush anxiety videos, the very 9 part series I put up back in 2007 and discovered… they’ve been watched a lot more than I thought…
That’s adds up to ANOTHER 314,153 people who I’ve helped to CRUSH anxiety. Booom! Take THAT you old limiting beliefs! Suck THAT deep into your unconscious mind Mark Shepard! Not bad for a singing hypnotist! Shazaaaam!
I, Mark Shepard do solomnly SWEAR and TESTIFY to my OWN UNCONSCIOUS MIND, that I have had OVER A MILLION VIEWS ON YOUTUBE.
and if I took the time to count up ALL the views from ALL the other videos I’ve uploaded, I am pretty confident that it would be more like 2 MILLION VIEWS. So evidently a few people want to hear my music and what I have to say. BOOM TALLA DING!
The “evidence procedure” is just a single one of the many tools I’ll be teaching YOU so that YOU have the key to moving yourself Beyond Your Beliefs To Master YOUR Own Mind For A Change…
Now. If by chance YOU would like to join us in clearing the little voices in YOUR head that tell you, “you’re not good enough” or “nobody wants what you have to offer” or “who do you think you are?” or “I’m no good at selling…” or “Why do I keep repeating my same old patterns of behavior even though I try hard not to…?” or whatever it is for you, you might want to…
a. Join The “Basic” membership level to get the module’s as I upload them after the Tuesday night class.
b. Join our Tuesday night mastermind group before I close the program to anyone new for the rest of this challenge or
c. Consider applying for one of my 1 on 1 Breakthrough programs (I have room on my calendar for 1 person) – Contact me ASAP
Here’s all the details and “buy me” buttons:
90 Day Challenge Basic – $19/month for 3 months
- Get access to the class videos AFTER the live sessions. Watch at your leisure.
- Get FREE, Lifetime access to the Limiting Beliefs course I will be creating as we go through this challenge.
90 Day Challenge Pro – $99/month for 3 months (expiring soon!)
- Everything for Basic, plus
- Access to & Participation in the live, weekly webinar
90 Day Challenge Expert – $199/month for 3 months (expireing soon!)
- Everything for Basic and Pro, plus
- Personal, Private, Confidential 15-30 minute check-in call each Month with me (since I currently charge $3,500 for a 90 day coaching period this saves you a ton of moolah).
But HURRY! This group is limited to 10 participants and we are about to shut the class down to any new members for the next 90 days. Don’t let someone else steal your spot…
[wpdevart_countdown text_for_day=”Days” text_for_hour=”Hours” text_for_minut=”Minutes” text_for_second=”Seconds” countdown_end_type=”date” end_date=”11-04-2017 23:59″ start_time=”1491860220″ end_time=”0,1,1″ action_end_time=”hide” content_position=”center” top_ditance=”10″ bottom_distance=”10″ ][/wpdevart_countdown]90 Day Transformation Challenge #5 – Choose the plan that’s right for you

Mark Shepard, YOUR Personal Mastery Mentor
P.S. You know in your heart that your old patterns of behavior are costing you more than you care to admit. So just admit it. It’s the same for all of us. You are NOT alone in being imprisoned by your own beliefs. That where we all start. Even the Buddha. Even Gandhi. It’s just part of being human. What’s cool is that you can actually DO something about this. And it is just another way to send out ripples of transformation into the world. You do the world a favor by working on your “stuff” (mostly because you’re a lot more fun to be around when your HAPPY… ;o)
P.P.S. If you do nothing. If you don’t take action right now. You and I both know you will continue to get what you’ve been getting… loneliness, isolation, frustration, shame, embarrassment, fear of rejection… Whatever it is you’ve been attempting to change in your life that just doesn’t seem to want to be changed… Whatever it is that has been slowly draining your energy or making you feel really bad about yourself or your life or your lack of money or your sex appeal or your car or house or whatever… of course only YOU can guarantee that you use the tools and techniques to change. No one can make you change. No one can make your changes for you. No therapist, No witch doctor, No coach, No lover, No Mommy or Daddy or Teacher or Guru. We all have to “get” that WE are the ones creating our realities and the only way to change our reality is by changing ourselves. And BELIEFS are one of the main FILTERS we use to create our realities… I’ll explain all this in the course… but more than that, YOU will be able to take charge of your own mind. Do you have any idea how powerful you actually are? What I do is teach you how to be the driver instead of the passenger of your own life.
Trust me on this, these old beliefs are sneaky little critters… I keep discovering new ones that were somehow hiding invisibly underneath the limiting beliefs I’d already cleared. And as I keep clearing, my life keeps getting better, to the point where I can finally step powerfully into the new belief that seems to have finally settled into my neurology:
I came here to touch the lives of millions of men and women in a positive, healing, transformational way with my Music, My Message, and My Methods.
So far, 40 years into this quest, I’ve touched over a million lives with my music and hypnosis practice and I am just getting started on a course to touching many, many more MILLIONS of minds, bodies, hearts and spirits before I’m done with this “little project called life”.
P.P.P.S. Maybe you’re not really ready to change. But the worst case scenario is you get the program, try it out and decide it’s not for you. You risk nothing by giving it a thorough test drive.
As always, if you have questions, you can…
contact me today
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