You DEFINITELY have to check out this wild and crazy interview I did with Michael Guerin…
or maybe he did the interview with ME…
Whether he interviewed me or I interviewed HIM, doesn’t matter…
What does matter is that we talk about the “master mind principle” and how it’s helped both of us ENORMOUSLY and how we are now “paying it forward” by providing the support we give each other to folks like YOU. If you’re serious about “getting your sh*t together” and truly living the kind of life you long for, or suspect is possible, you owe it to yourself to watch this and check out the program… Which is a mastermind process around Identifying and Transforming our Limited Beliefs and “Inside the Box” thinking into something which compels us (in the best sense of that term) into a bigger, better, more authentic PROCESS that inevitably LEADS us more and more in the direction we yearn to go…
The 90 Day Transformation Challenge we talk about is long over BUT…
The result is now available for YOU to join in at your convenience…
All the details are here:
Beyond Beliefs Invitation
A little Background:
Michael Guerin and I have been coaching and supporting and challenging and helping each other since 2007.
We first met at a Chamber of Commerce “networking event” that we both felt kind of out of place at…
Eventually he came and did a Breakthrough Session with me in my “Big Blue Hypnosis Chair” to clear agoraphobia and social anxiety… he was a lot of fun to do clearing work with and even more importantly he gave me permission to share his story (which most of my clients would be horrified to do because they don’t want anybody to know they ever struggled with anxiety or whatever).
We eventually started meeting every Monday to just work on our business development and marketing utilizing the powerful magic of the Master Mind Principle…
I’ve been thinking for a while that we needed to start recording our conversations because they just get right to the heart of whatever it is that we’re both exploring and attempting to understand or put into practice… new ideas, old ideas applied in new ways etc.
So he came up for a visit the other day and the timing was perfect because we are just finishing up this current 90 Day Challenge #4 and gearing up for the next one… And I just feel deep in my bones that my next challenge is to find a way to consistently and congruently support, or coach, or teach or mentor other people who could appreciate and benefit from not only MY transformation tools and transformation tunes and transformation topics, BUT Michael Guerin is never far from my white board so to speak…
So we were talking about this next challenge and how we wanted to structure it so that it was a win/win for me and anyone who honestly wants to take their life, work, health or relationships to the next level…
So check this out… it’s a free ranging conversation that in and of itself is actually a form of conversation hypnosis… but where there are two hypnotists and we are hypnotizing each other to truly live on purpose… this is just what happens… when we get together…
And remember, TOGETHER we can change the world… (starting with YOUR world first and THEN sending our ripples and waves from YOU the “Broadcasting and Receiving Tower” :o)
I know a number of you were ready to join us back in January but I wasn’t quite ready. Now I’m ready enough… LOL.
The program is now open and ready for YOU…
If YOU ARE ready.
I will close down registration Sunday night at midnight and our first online class or gathering or mastermind meeting will be Tuesday, April 11 at 8 pm Eastern Time. The group size is limited because I want to over deliver as usual. There will also be 3 choices that are all affordable.
All the details are here:
Beyond Beliefs Invitation
Any questions?Contact me!
– Mark
p.s. If you want to explore the transformation tools that I’ve been using since 2003 to keep my “sh*t” together in the face of all my traumas, phobias, limiting beliefs, economic crashes, being homeless, dysfunctional relationships, personal doubts, confusion, introverted-ness, songwriting (and other) compulsions as well as “failures” and plain dumbass mistakes (aka Growth Opportunities), this will definitely be worth your while… But it’s not for everybody… ;o)
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