A lot of people have been hoodwinked by the big pharmaceutical companies into believing that anxiety is a disease…
Big Pharma wants it to be a “disease” so they can get doctors to prescribe their shitty pills with all their addictive and soul killing side effects so that they can make the big bucks. Cha Ching! Month after month.
It’s not. I repeat. Anxiety is NOT a Disease.
There is no “anxiety” germ. There is no anxiety “virus”.
Other than the metaphorical “thought virus” that anxiety really is,
Anxiety is thinking about what you do not want to have happen.
It’s really the same as “worry”… just a bit more intense.
What’s worry? Thinking about bad shit happening. Often to our LOVED ones! Why would anyone DO that?
We all have this ability. It comes with the “human software download” you got when you signed up for this lifetime.
Unlike all the other animals, we can imagine a future that we don’t like.
The flip side of this is that we can also imagine a future that we DO like.
Either way, your unconscious mind gives you the “biochemistry” of whatever you are focusing on with your “mental movie screen”…
Before this morphs into a full blown “rant”… I’m going to go turn the video camera on just in case it gets interesting…
[Here’s what I ranted up for you]
Okay, that felt better… (BTW If you ever feel so inclined to “go deep for cheap” you can always check out all 80 or so videos I’ve uploaded to my Honest Hypnosis YouTube channel so far since JULY! :o)
The bottom line is that only YOU have the power to stop your old patterns and habitual ways of thinking that cause your unconscious mind to react with fight, flight or freeze biochemistry.
As I mention in the video, sometimes our negative thinking patterns about the future are so insidious and “normal” that we don’t even notice that we are doing it… Kind of like the fish in the ocean don’t really “notice” the ocean.
Well that makes sense right? That’s literally what we mean by being “unconscious”.
It’s happening outside of our conscious awareness…
And though it may be outside of our conscious awareness, it is really happening on your “internal storyboard” and it really affects what hormones are triggered in your body which in turn creates “how you feel.”
The Honest truth is that the only way to actually “cure” anxiety is to change your thinking, to change your focus and to do it enough so that you install a new habitual way of automatically responding to the world and life’s little (and not so little) bumps, curves, hills, valleys, or mountains.
You see, one thing nobody else is telling you, is that your immune system is constantly eves dropping on your self talk. Immune systems have the ability to actually listen and LEARN.
So what you are doing unconsciously actually matters a great deal. And as I’ve said a gazillion times, hypnosis is really the “process of communicating effectively with your unconscious mind”.
It’s not hocus pocus or some magical power that suddenly happens when some creepy asshole starts swinging a watch and telling you to go into trance…
Hypnosis is YOU running your own stream of consciousness in a way that actually gets you what you want instead of what you don’t want.
Oh! What a surprise!?!…
All that stuff that you’ve been getting i n your life that you don’t want? Your “old” hypnosis brought that in. Hmmm Let’s see what the “new” hypnosis could do if you gave it a chance!
So just a quick reminder, CRUSH anxiety NOW! increases in price Tomorrow. It will still be reasonably priced and affordable but it will never again be THIS CHEAP. So if you are curious about going deeper with me, check it out. The risk is on me. A bunch of you awesome action takers have already jumped in and are already CRUSHING the “beast” of anxiety… Cowabungah! Looking forward to your questions and success stories! OH YEAH!
CRUSH anxiety NOW! Cheap… Price… set… to expire…
[wpdevart_countdown text_for_day=”Days” text_for_hour=”Hours” text_for_minut=”Minutes” text_for_second=”Seconds” start_time=”1446052439″ end_time=”1,,” action_end_time=”show_text” content_position=”center” top_ditance=”10″ bottom_distance=”10″ ]times up![/wpdevart_countdown]In the meantime, I will see YOU on the… INSIDE!
p.s. A shout out to all the new Transformation Nation Peeps like locals, Dottie and Jeremy from my home town of Albany NY and the fabulous, far away Peter from New Zealand… NEW ZEALAND. Where it’s already tomorrow! Way to go Peter! Also Brian from California! Kristan from Pennsylvania, Welcome!!!! The “Transformation Nation” is assembling… MIND MASTERY ROCKS!
I am OUTA HERE! Talk to you tomorrow!
photo credit – Copyright: lightwise / 123RF Stock Photo
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