I’m so glad this guy called it so HE will get all the hate mail and not me.
There is definitely a massive and growing trend in our media to coddle, condone and even celebrate people who are determined to claim their shitty victim mentality as something that should be tiptoed around. We’ve all experienced someone who was offended by something about themselves that is a basic fact.
We are not advocating being mean. But I for one am tired of feeling guilty because I’m just not attracted to fat women. I, like most guys, am attracted to healthy women. Just like women are attracted to men who are true to their Massive Throbbing Vision for their lives…
Women do not apologize for NOT being attracted to 40 year old video game addicts who deliver pizza and live in their parents basement… Why should we apologize for not being attractive to morbidly obese women?
Another evidence of this is the Movie “Shallow Hal” Where this guy is hypnotized by Tony Robbins to see all women as beautiful. So he falls in love with this fat chick who HE sees as Gwyneth Paltrow… It’s a horrible movie. Don’t watch it.
DO watch THIS fabulous rant.
Isn’t it time you started getting all COWABUNGAH! in your world?
Get yours FRESH!
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