Subtly or not so subtly, we guys will suddenly clean up our language and behavior when a woman walks into the room.
It’s called “Self Censoring”. Instead of freely speaking our minds, we somehow instantly start mouthing politically correct platitudes and kissing the ass of the dominant cultural rule book.
We have all been so fvcking brainwashed to be nice, good little boys around “female authority figures” (People with Vaginas), that we instantly hide our true personalities and behaviors in order to “please” or be accepted by women.
In case you’re wondering. Yeah. That has to go. The beauty of the leading edge change and transformation tools of NLP and Hypnosis is that we can change shit fast, forever. Even this often unconscious, knee-jerk reaction type of stuff.
In today’s video I go DEEP into this subject and give you some powerful take away tools to IMMEDIATELY start stepping into your power as a man.
If you haven’t yet jumped at the chance to get your daily personal mastery and peak performance posts WTF are you waiting for? It ain’t politically correct but it will get you what you want.
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