Many people ask me what my “Process” is for helping people lose weight with Hypnosis, NLP, Timeline Techniques, etc.
As I enter my second decade helping people to reach their personal, physical, financial and relationship goals (aka creating the kind of life and body that you enjoy living in), I am tending to be more and more spontaneous, flexible and intuitive in my “process”.
Some of my clients need structure and assignments. Others need to reduce their stressors before they pop a gasket and asking them to complete rigid assignments is not only counter productive it could quite literally push them over the stress edge.
So the first thing must be said is this: Everybody is different and working with you in the way that works for you is my prime intention and the ultimate guide to how we will proceed in the goal of “enlightening” your body, mind, and spirit.
So with that caveat, I have recently come up with a ROUGH, APPROXIMATE Outline of the Hypnosis Weight Loss “Process” we will be working on together.
If you have “tried everything” to lose weight and still find yourself back at square one or even worse off after each “diet” attempt, you just might want to look at the bigger picture of your life.
It has been my experience since 2003 that people like us, have a challenge with our weight and physical health because we have been thinking negative, self defeating thoughts, and living a painful stressed out, lonely, miserable lives. Your unconscious mind wants to keep you alive so it has made food into a little treat, a little soothing moment. But just like cigarettes and alcohol, one “hit” isn’t usually enough to stop the pain. You begin to need more and more to tame the tension, the terror, the stress and anxiety.
I take a long term approach to weight gain. Personally it took me 4 years of concerted effort to address my own eating issues and challenges. Just as is the case with my CRUSH anxiety process for eliminating, anxiety, panic attacks and phobias, my weight loss process evolved out of my own personal necessity to master this area in my life as well as the long experience helping other people to do the same. This process took me a long time to develop and test. Because I’ve been there and done that, we can save you time and dead ends, frustration and failure.
So my approach has continued to develop over time. Here is how it looks at the moment. Please keep in mind that most of these steps are taken at the same time… your life and challenges may be different than mine or my other clients but what I do basically works if you are seeking long term results… If you apply ALL of my tools and techniques you can expect actually rapid results. But ultimately it is you applying the tools and showing up willing to work on your “stuff” that will get you where you want to go.
And yes, hypnosis and NLP and EFT and Time Line Techniques are all fabulous tools that enable us to understand how our neurology is wired so that we can begin to generate better and more consistent transformation in all areas of our lives.
Some folks are ready to rock and roll and are so miserable and desperate they follow my coaching to the letter. Others aren’t so ready. Ultimately it is up to you. I’m a coach and I’m here for you as best as I can humanly be here for you. But again ultimately you are the one who is putting the food in your mouth and living you own life. What food you choose, and what that food means to you symbolically, metaphorically and literally is unique to you.
In the last 50 years the way we eat as a culture has dramatically changed. “Traditional” whole foods have been replaced by factory farmed, and industrially processed foods that may look good, and taste good but are ultimately filled with empty calories, and increasing amounts and even kinds of sugars.
What the government tells us is healthy is pretty much what industrial agriculture has told the government to tell us is healthy.
And a lot of times it’s NOT.
But you can get rid of grains, and sugars and eat only grass fed, free range, wild caught, local, natural, organic meat, healthy fats and vegetables, and STILL not lose weight if you don’t also address the “other” issues that you have with and around food.
That’s my area of expertise, helping you to transform your thoughts, and patterns of thought and emotion that are seeking soothing.
- We address the underlying issues of self hate, self sabotage, low self esteem, stress, repressed emotions and limiting beliefs, childhood vows and other “traumas and dramas” that are running constantly in the background of your unconscious mind
- We begin to learn other ways to soothe and “treat” yourself that aren’t food, alcohol or other “feel good” substances.
- We begin to heal your gut:
- we start to wean you off of carbs, grains, sugars, processed foods, fast foods.
- We introduce fermented veggies like sauerkraut, Kim Chee,
- We begin to move away from factory farmed chicken and other meats, mercury contaminated fish.
- We institute a once a week “cheat day”, which begins to transform over time as well. (my current “cheat” is a really nice apple)
- STRESS! If you are massively stressed in your life one of your assignments is to start saying “no” to activities that add more of a burden and begin to say “yes” to self caring activities that are designed to fill your “reservoir”.
- RELATIONSHIPS! If your relationships are a cause of stress we work on learning how to express your truth in a safe and sustainable way.
- WORK! If your work is the main source of stress and unhappiness we begin to work on creating new and more enjoyable options for you.
- LIMITING BELIEFS! If you are working intensely stressful job(s), and have a whole series of beliefs about “how it’s not possible to actually create work you enjoy, then we may spend some time here.
- SELF LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE! Ultimately ALL the work I do with ALL my clients is on how to actually love and appreciate their uniqueness and wonderfulness exactly as they are, who they are. The goal is a fulfilling, healthy life with satisfying work and personal relationships. The foundation of all happiness is a healthy, reasonably fit body that allows you to do the things you want to do as well as express and receive love.
Does that seem like a lot? To me it is an invitation to dance!
Welcome to your world. Welcome to living in this amazing vehicle of sensing and perceiving that you call your “body”.
If you want some help to save you time, money, frustration, stress on your journey towards health and fitness, I’ve got the tools and experience to help you get there faster, easier better.
All the best!
Mark Shepard, ChT, NLPT
Albany NY Weight Loss Hypnosis Specialist
Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy(tm), EFT
Want to learn more? Click here:
Check it out! It’s Not Just About The Food Online Weight Loss Revolution
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