A client recently asked me a couple of excellent questions.
Not only did he really appreciate my answer (which he found very helpful – saying “damn, yes, great answer, thank you”), I thought that you could also benefit from reading his questions to see how they might apply to your experience and thoughts about trauma.
And maybe you too can find some insight in my answer that applies to your situation as well.
How to clear trauma
“What happens if someone doesn’t clear past trauma, but just tries to change their thinking to be more in line with reality in the present? Is that possible, or does past trauma always have to be cleared in order for major changes in thinking and perception to happen?”
In case it would be helpful to you as well, I’ve shared my answer here:
Keep in mind that past trauma only exists in your neurology, which is your Unconscious Mind also known as your “Imagination.”
Clearing past trauma is done by either:
- changing what it means
- neutralizing the negative “charge” it has
- or instructing your unconscious mind to delete the event or to shrink it down so that it is just a helpful learning tool.
So if you change your thinking in line with whatever you are choosing to call “reality” and you change that thinking on the unconscious level as well as the conscious level, well you’ve just “cleared” the trauma!
But if you just have conscious thoughts that you think occasionally but don’t install into your subconscious mind (which you can do through repetition, or intensity or time line or EFT or swish patterns or anchoring etc) then you really haven’t changed anything significant.
I hope that makes sense.
The second part of your question brings up this answer: trauma can be cleared with the tools and techniques we have at our disposal and then you can notice major changes in your thinking and perception. Or you can use the tools and techniques to change your thinking and perception which will cause the “trauma” to be downgraded in your neurology from “DANGEROUS, HORRIBLE EVENT” to “really positive learning event”.
Which comes first?
Just remember, your body is an animal. So the things that have frightened it in the past are on a trip wire in your body and your body is trained to react before the time required to “think.” So we have to proceed gently and patiently like the “horse whisperer” to make it safe for your unconscious mind to let go of it’s opinions about certain events… and begin to build a more powerful and resourceful response to situations that used to be associated with fear, trauma or whatever.
I hope that helps…
Ready to clear the fear… for good?
If you suffer from phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, shyness, GAD, social anxiety, approach anxiety, performance anxiety, fear of flying, fear of speaking in public, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), worry, nervousness or any other fear or trauma based challenge, I can help you clear the fear without harmful drugs or endless therapy through…
- My Clear the Fear Fast home study course: How to Clear the Fear Fast
- My affordable online self help course: How To Stop Anxiety Without Harmful Drugs or Endless Therapy
Whichever one is right for you each of these safe, proven, and effective methods can help you stop anxiety, panic attacks, fears and phobias… for good.
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