The Truth about hypnosis for stopping smoking is sometimes hard to come by.
Many people want to know:
- Why does it work?
- How does it work?
- Does it work for everybody?
- If it is so great why don’t more people take advantage of it?
Oh and the most popular question I get is…..
- Will you make me quack like a duck?
I’ll do my best to answer these questions quickly before you have to go take a cigarette break out in the subzero or oppressively hot and humid weather (aren’t you tired of that yet?).
First of all hypnosis has been exaggerated in Movies and TV for as long as those media forms have existed. The truth is, I’m sad to say, I can’t make you do something under hypnosis that you don’t want to do.
If I could do that, I wouldn’t be “wasting” my time helping people stop smoking, lose weight, or stop anxiety, phobias or panic attacks.
I’d go right into the prisons and hypnotize those folks to be honest, kind helpful, citizens. Then I’d go to Washington DC and hypnotize all those people to be…um…honest, kind, helpful citizens. After lunch, I’d fly to the middle east and hypnotize all those folks to get along…
However, if you actually do want to make a change in your life, say quit smoking, hypnosis can seem like the best magic around. Instead of tangling with your “will power” (when’s the last time your will power actually worked anyway?) we open up the lines of communication directly with that powerful and little understood aspect of you, your Unconscious Mind.
It’s a little like being able to get right into the operating system of your computer and clearing out the little thought viruses and unwanted programs that have been running in the background slowing things down and making your computer do weird things.
So that’s a very short answer that addresses both Why it works (because we’re working directly with the most powerfull part of your mind where all the real decisions are made) and How it works (because we’re opening up the hood and making sure things are running the right way).
The next biggie is “Why doesn’t hypnosis work for everyone?”
The truth is hypnosis always works for everyone because we are all walking around in various trance states. Every day. All day. Ever drive right past your exit? Where were you? Who was really driving your car? (hint: Your unconscious mind :o)
What sometimes happens with some people is that the change your conscious mind wants to make conflicts too much with something at the unconscious level and so your unconscious mind basically says. “ERROR! This change can not be made because there’s something else going on a few layers beneath this so, no.”
In smokers, I see this when someone has quit heroin, quit drinking and now they want to quit smoking, but they haven’t really healed the trauma that they were “self medicating” in the the first place. Take away the cigarettes and what’s left to help them feel good?
If we can’t come up with a good enough alternative, that person’s unconscious mind will not let them be without the comfort of their “best friend”, cigarettes. That is, until we safely heal whatever is really going on. The problem is many people aren’t willing to do that deep work because it doesn’t happen instantly and it’s not always easy.
It’s a lot easier with hypnosis but some of the deep stuff we can heal is often painful and deals with past trauma. Not everybody’s cup of tea. In order to heal it we have to be aware of it and that’s not always fun.
But ultimately the most powerful hypnotist is…YOU. In the case of the former addict, hypnosis happened and hypnosis worked. It just didn’t work the way our conscious minds wanted it to work.
Want to learn more?
If you have questions for me or you’re ready to check out my course about mastering your mind for a change to stop bad habits for good —like smoking — then click the button below…
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