Huh? OH!
Well HELLO there my beloved Transformation Nation!
Yesterday’s live test of the Transformation Nation Broadcasting Network on went pretty well.
The sound even seemed to work…
(some of the time LOL)
I was able to download a video this morning of the entire show but the audio on the video disappears before the last chorus of my first song!
So the lesson is: Set up camera #2 to record the broadcast for the archives!
The turn out was small (which was perfect since it was a “test”) but I was able to definitely check out the Concert Window system. Merrill from Colorado sent me a message in the “chat” window and someone even sent me a “Tip”…
(ok it was my dad! Thanks dad!).
So we are all set for next week’s OFFICIAL kick off of my Transformation Tuesday Series.
Whew! Thanks for letting me share that. I “get” why most TV shows are pre-recorded. “Live” has a certain weird PRESSURE to it. But I used my Transformation Tools and grounded myself and just leaped.
So today, being Wednesday, I wanted to give you some MASSIVELY useful VALUE to help you dance through your day…
So here it is. Are you Ready?
It’s ALL practice.
EVERYTHING is practice.
There is no “Perfect”.
Ever hear someone describe themselves or someone else as a “perfectionist”?
The truth is those people are NOT “perfectionists” they are “Imperfectionists” they are always focused on what isn’t perfect. And NO! I’m not talking about YOU. You don’t do that do you? This is just a REMINDER of what you already know right? :o)
We all have the ability to think critically (in the best sense of that word) and to be able to constantly improve our performance in any area of our lives, that’s good. What’s not so good is the habit of tearing ourselves down or getting upset if things don’t work out right away the way we think they “should” (BTW “shoulds” and “have to’s” often need to be challenged).
That’s where the practice of PRACTICE comes in.
It’s all practice.
I am a “Certified NLP Master Practitioner” Not a “Certified NLP Master Know It All”. In fact the reason I continue to teach and certify other practitioners in NLP and Hypnosis is that by teaching it I continue to LEARN it. Better and better. But still not perfect.
And that’s…. Perfect.
I make mistakes all the time while I’m playing music. I screw up my own damn songs sometimes. Wrong chords. Mix up the verses. Not remember words. Forget to tune my guitar… Say something that I might wish I hadn’t said. Not said something I “Should” have…. blah, blah, blah.
In the past I would spend a huge amount of energy “beating myself up” for the mistakes.
The transformation in my own thinking is that now it AMUSEs me when I am not “perfect”.
That took practice.
Keep making those “mistakes” eventually you’ll get the art of turning “failure into feedback”.
After all, What if THIS is perfect? Ask yourself THAT question throughout your day and notice the difference.
So. Your assignment today (should you choose to accept it) is to Ask that question about EVERYTHING.
“What if THIS is perfect?”
Seriously ask it All day. Be assured, you won’t get it right the first couple of hundred times… but eventually you will start to deeply enjoy your humanity and the PROCESS of learning, growing and improving as much as you can with the time, talent and resources you bring to your life.
BOOM! ding!
Of course I could have probably said all that better but it’s time to move on to the Transformation Tune of the day. :o)
Song # 309 “Be Patient With Your Drumming”
Have a FABULOUS day!
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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p.s. if you haven’t yet joined my daily mind mastery and transformation tune VIP list, You are probably missing out on some really cool stuff, give it a shot!