Welcome to the Matrix!
Today we are exploring the concept from the Matrix movies
that we are actually living in a virtual reality…
Ditch the old rules.
Discover the new rules.
Master Your Mind For A Change…
Another similar idea is that our lives are being lived out in a virtual reality similar to the “Holodeck” program in Star Trek.
But THIS matrix is totally changeable and under your conscious control once you know how to communicate with your unconscious mind…
As I am fond of saying: All hypnosis is SELF hypnosis. EXCEPT the cultural programming and rules we were “domesticated” under as kids… That’s a different and not always benevolent source of our current sets of beliefs, behaviors and mental habits.
But once we wake up to how we are being manipulated by our social “rules” we can begin to discover and implement an entirely different set that gets us faster, easier, better results…
Personally I like to think of it as “The Game.” Some times I call it the BIG Game.
Check out the video and if you are interested in learning more about how to use this concept to take YOUR “game” to the next level keep reading below…
Warning this video contains controversial ideas and adult language.
What do YOU think?
One of the ideas that I touched upon briefly in the video is the notion that we come into this “reality” from somewhere beyond the physical. Once we emerge from the 9 month journey curled up in our comfortable, if cramped, spaceship (thanks mom!) into the light of day, we still have to level up.
We have to learn how to breath air, then eat, walk, take care of our own little spaceship (that’s what our bodies really are if you think about it). We have to learn how to communicate with the other spaceships/players around us. Our family. The other kids in the neighborhood or school. Teachers. Other Adults.
And all these other people, are constantly telling us shit that may or may not be helpful for us to believe and live by.
But what do we know?
We are a clean slate. Gradually we start to form beliefs. We begin to talk to ourselves. We begin to internalize the various parental models and what gets us positive feedback and what gets us negative feedback.
Very early we discover that doing what the big people want us to do, thinking the way they want us to think, makes life in our family a lot easier… We learn to go along to get along. We learn to say the “approved” things in different settings.
Those are the domestication rules. Only later in life when what worked in childhood sometimes stops working for us that we begin to question reality. Most people stay plugged in to the “matrix” for their entire lives. Many have no clue they are just living out the lives they’ve been trained to live.
There are a few of us though that just never quite did well under “domestication”. So we begin to search for answers.
I was miserable under the old rules. So I unplugged from the matrix. I took the “red pill”.
The things I’ve discovered along the path led me here.
You’ve been searching as well. And you landed here. Today. It might be time for you to wake up. Or you may just be in the “getting ready” to wake up phase of your own game plan.
Choose the “red pill” and free your mind. Just remember, there is no returning to the “blue pill” reality.
Either way, you are welcome to hang out with the Transformation Tribe because you, my friend are no longer alone.
I’ll see you on the inside.
– Mark
p.s. have questions? comments? challenges you’d like me to address here? Contact me baby!
p.p.s. A shout out to Deb, Melinda, Jeremy & Chris who just jumped aboard the Transformation Tribe Train! Welcome!
p.p.p.s. WAY TO GO!
Merril, completes her first triathlon at age 66 year.
She knew “they” would tell her she couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t. So she NEVER told “them”. She just went ahead and DID IT.
It is NEVER too late to start your own “Kaizen” path of personal mastery.
Photo 1 – Copyright: wavebreakmediamicro / 123RF Stock Photo
photo 2 – Merril!