If you had all the time in the world…
You would WASTE IT!
The fact that we have a limited lifespan here on this miraculous little planet spinning in the VASTNESS of SPACE…
Creates URGENCY.
We all have the same 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Why is it that some people seem to get so much more done?
The answer is in a “Kaizen” approach to life.
Instead of attempting to get it all done all at once, or doing nothing because of overwhelm, by taking small, incremental, often seemingly insignificant steps towards your goals, your life purpose, solving challenges, moving along the proverbial “Path with Heart,” you actually get farther, faster and enjoy the process more.
To illustrate my point:
Here’s a quick video I did yesterday in the middle of eating my lunch... (Grass fed burger, raw milk cheddar, cucumbers and tomatoes from my garden, sweet corn from a local farmer, avacado and grapefruit salad)… I had the idea and took IMMEDIATE action.
It’s THE ABSOLUTE BEST full body, compound movement, slow burn exercise which you can do in about a minute…
without gym membership or fancy equipment.
Most of the weight loss clients I’ve worked with over the years pretty much ALL said the same thing: “I don’t have time to go to the gym”…
Well I’m here to say that you don’t need to go to the gym and full body fitness can be kick started with a single 1 minute exercise that you can do anywhere, anytime.
If you did this just once a day it would change your life.
If you did it every time you had to wait for your computer to up load or down load or reboot or whatever it is that your computer seems to take forever to do… You would be “ripped”, “buff” and feel like you could rip trees out by the roots in no time…
(but let’s just let the trees peacefully keep growing shall we?).
Check it out: (It’s short. Take the time to watch it and join me…
Sound FX: Manly grunting sounds “er, er, er”, :o)
It’s just one example of the “slow burn fitness” concepts I teach in my revolutionary online Honest Hypnosis Weight Loss/Fitness course, “It’s Not Just About The Food!
Finding faster, better, more effective ways to get MASSIVE, sustainable, ecological results and sharing them with you in ways that assist YOU to get MASSIVE, sustainable, ecological results in YOUR life, is my deepest passion.
If you’re not yet a member of the Transformation Tribe, join us by using the handy yellow form.
Cowabungah baby!
– Mark
p.s. A special shout out to two of the new Transformation Tribe members, Mike and Andrew! Welcome gentlemen! Time to start YOUR engines!
photo credit: Copyright: neirfy / 123RF Stock Photo
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