In Hypnosis Research There Was Once Upon A Time A Significant Effort To Determine Who Was Hypnotizable (a good subject for hypnosis) and Who Was Not.
- There was a famous experiment where volunteers were asked to listen to a hypnosis induction on an LP record (this was back in the 1960’s I believe). 25% of the subjects went DEEP into trance.
- 25% of the subjects went into a moderate trance
- 25% went into a light trance
- and the remaining 25% didn’t seem to be affected at all.
So one conclusion they made from this was that 25% of the population “couldn’t be hypnotized”. The researchers also concluded that some people were far more suggestible than others.
This still “seems” to be true.
If you’ve ever gone to a hypnosis stage show you may have noticed that some people are totally affected by the hypnosis and some people don’t seem to be quite as “gullible” as the folks up on stage doing all the weird, embarrassing shit the hypnotist is telling them to do.
Most of the audience doesn’t seem to be affected much at all.
The bottom line is that EVERYBODY in the audience is being hypnotized JUST as much as the volunteers on stage!
Seriously. I mean EVERYBODY!
The audience is fully focusing their attention on the show. The rest of the world has basically disappeared for them. They are fascinated. Whether they are doubtful or total believers, it doesn’t matter. They are just as deep in trance as anyone else in that room.
Hypnosis is actually about focus and following directions.
Milton Erickson would often just ask his client to, “do me a favor will you? Could you walk over to the window and open it?”
If the client DID that what really just happened? The client followed Erickson’s suggestion.
Trance Formation happens usually without our conscious knowledge. It is a phenomenon of your unconscious mind…
That’s what’s so cool about it (and what some folks find freaky about it). We are often totally uncosncious of the fact that we are… well…. unconscious.
The bottom line is that We humans are ALL hardwired by default to go into trance.
We all go in and out of various trances all day long.
The question is, are you going into trances that are valuable?
Ultimately here at Honest Hypnosis my goal and intention is to give you the power to DIRECT YOUR OWN TRANCE.
Step one in that process is to sift through the thoughts and ideas flowing like a river around you or a cloud surrounding you in order to clarify what YOUR thoughts are and what OTHERS thoughts are.
And sometimes this is not so easy.
Personally, I have to be careful.
(not “Fearful” but “Careful”)
I am highly suggestible.
What does that mean?
One thing it means is that I am really, really good at going into trance.
Another thing it means is, the things people say, the things I watch, books I read, the music I hear as I go through my day affect me. A lot.
You could also say I’m energy sensitive.
What does that mean?
It means that I am affected by the energy of people around me.
So doesn’t it make sense to be pretty damn careful about what I read, what I watch, what I listen to and who I’m around?
The bottom line though is that MOST people, and definitely MOST OF YOU who find my emails, blog posts, music, books and programs valuable, are ALSO highly suggestible and sensitive.
Welcome to the human experience!
We are actually receiving and broadcasting stations.
What are you broadcasting? What channels are you receiving?
What are the people around you broadcasting to you? What are you believing?
Beliefs are filters through which we experience the “world”.
Are YOU determining your beliefs? or Did you inherit or learn beliefs as a little kid that are still operating in your unconscious mind?
Part of what I do every single day is to watch my thoughts and get rid of the beliefs that stop me or hold me back. Sometimes it’s not pretty.
For example back in the last 90 day Transformation Tuesday challenge I caught myself believing an old lie that I had sucked in as “truth”. That lie was: “No one wants to hear my music.”…
It seems kind of ridiculous now. But beliefs don’t have to make sense to screw you up!
What small thinking are you indulging in on a daily basis in YOUR life?
What would you do, have or be in your life if you could get out of your own way, take the “limiter” off of the Lamborghini of your Mind and actually go for it?
Write that down.
The reason I write these almost daily emails and blog posts, (if you’re not getting the almost daily Mind Mastery Newsletter sign up right now while you are thinking about it) the reason I committed to doing a live program every single week as well as walking my talk and making my goals public as part of this current 90 day transformation challenge is because I think the process of clearing our crap is something that we all need to learn if we actually want to live the fullest, most empowered, healthy lives possible.
I want to share this. I want to make a difference in your life. Why? Because it feels good.
I like feeling good. I want to feel good more and more. Don’t you?
I also found that when I want to truly learn something and “install” it deep in my own unconscious mind, I HAVE to teach it.
I HAVE to write songs about it.
I HAVE to almost obsessively and compulsively put what I’ve learned into practice on a daily basis.
My vision for YOU is that you will use my words and music to clear away the “clutter” of old thinking patterns in your life. If you get off the path, I intend my work to be the light in the dark that brings you back to yourself.
Back to your true self.
The song that’s been running through my mind the whole time I’ve been writing to you this morning is “Clear The Fear” which I sang on Transformation Tuesday #12.
I knew I’d recorded it at some point. But I couldn’t remember what CD It was on… So I went looking but I couldn’t find “Clear The Fear” or figure out what CD it was on ( I will eventually)… However, in the process I found this little music video I’d made back in 2008… It’s a bit… um… out of date format-wise… but it was cool to see it again.
So can I make a suggestion? If I were to give you a simple “hypnotic” suggestion for today, it would be to watch/listen to this music video once. If you like it you might experiment with watching/listening to it a few times today. You might want to hit “repeat” and play it on a low volume. Whatever it takes to get it “stuck” in your rostromedial pre-frontal cortex (the place in your brain where songs get “looped”)
Like a lot of my songs, This song is quite literally an NLP/Hypnosis Session. I’m curious to see how open you are to the suggestions embedded in the song. I’m curious to hear what your experience with it is.
You may or may not choose to accept my suggestion or notice how your perception of your day progresses after listening to it or watching it. If you were open to another suggestion I would like to suggest that you listen and observe and then Write down specifically how your day improves. Send me an email. It’s for science!
clear the fear music video
That’s it for now. I’m back to my adventure. A lot of cool stuff is about to happen. So pay attention.
Take notes. Imagine yourself being, doing and having what you most desire, in the best way possible.
Over and out.
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
Click the link below to:
p.s. BTW it was cool to discover that almost 20,000 people have viewed this video. More evidence for my unconscious mind to “get” that the old silly belief is just that. An old silly belief. Conclusion? It just might be time to totally go for it.
p.p.s. In case you haven’t checked it out yet, my totally new and updated CRUSH anxiety NOW! program is available for instant access. If you’ve ever struggled with fear, worry, anxiety or panic attacks you might want to check it out Now.
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