“It Calls To You…”
You hear the phrase a lot around religious and spiritual circles… “I feel CALLED…”
Lately I’ve heard it in business and career contexts as well…
The notion is growing in our cultural consciousness that our work can be something that is so meaningful, and personally significant that it is “not just a job, it’s an adventure”
It’s not just a job it’s a “calling”…
One of the areas I’ve done a lot of work around in my own life as well as with clients over the years is clearing the old limiting beliefs around “what you’re supposed to do in order to make a living.”
The majority of the population has internalized the sad and stressful idea that they don’t really have a choice. The parody of the 7 Dwarves song, “Hi Ho, Hi Ho” has become a negative mantra for many:
“I owe, I owe, so off to work I go”…
Its a sad song sung in many a head on rainy Monday mornings like today.
So I want to share with you today a song as well as a somewhat RADICAL idea.
Something IS calling to you.
You may not be able to hear it because it sometimes is a whisper, and we are really good at pushing away those “inconvenient truths” that don’t conform to our social or cultural “rules”.
and Yes. being homeless and destitute is not exactly something kids grow up wanting to be.
Personally, I’ve been there and done that and in retrospect it was a gift to realize how little we actually need to live and how resourceful we can actually be.
I personally prefer prosperity and abundance… But those things do not necessarily require a large bank account.
I would be willing to bet cold hard cash, that you have a dream, a vision, a yearning for your life that calls to you…
And when we are called out of our old habits, patterns, self sabotage, and routines of anxiety and fear, it can be damn scary…
IF we attempt to do it ALONE.
And that’s where these Daily Mind Mastery posts and Transformation Tunes come in.
You are not alone because I am right here working on answering MY call along with YOU.
And I am not alone because I know YOU are reading these posts and listening to these songs and APPLYING them to your own life…
And that makes all the difference.
A really BIG idea has been calling me for a while now… and I’m about to take MASSIVE action on it…
I’m about to take MASSIVE ACTION in a way that is specifically designed to have a massively positive impact on YOUR journey and adventure of answering YOUR calling…
There will be something for my local, Albany NY friends and fans as well as something that my growing global gang of Transformation Nation members can join in and participate in as well…
So keep an eye on these articles or join the Daily Mind Mastery Newsletter List…
It’s coming soon.
In the meantime,
Today’s Transformation Tune is Song # 141 “It Calls To You” (<=== Click the link or use the player at the top)
It’s about the environment calling to us to stop the destruction and start paying attention to sustainability. And that concept applies to our personal, professional and spiritual lives as well…
Ideas are only good if they can be sustained in a congruent and ecological way. And that takes some time and attention. There may be a process of trial and error, of action and reflection that needs to be experienced in real time.
So my friends, take heart, listen to that still small voice in your life. Trust it.
And trusting it doesn’t mean you have to quit your job right away, but you may want to consider what it would be like to simplify, downsize and appreciate the abundance of resources and friendships you have right now and how they already form the foundation of YOU answering YOUR “CALL”.
You have everything you need to take the next step now…
So your assignment today (should you choose to accept it) is to take a few moments to reflect upon and write down what it is you would do if money and the earning of it were not required. In other words if you were independently wealthy and wanted to totally and completely explore an idea, a passion, a project, a goal without having to earn an income, what would that be?
There is no right or wrong answer, and you don’t have to come up with any plan or step by step process to do it. Just knowing what it is is the first step. I’ll share with you tomorrow what mine is… in the meantime,
Peace and grooviness!
I will see YOU on the INSIDE!
– Mark
The really important thing is just to be fully aware that you can realize the change you’re looking for…
And here’s how
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