I just have to share a quick thought with you this morning. I’m a big fan of Ross Jeffries because he is excellent.
I plug his stuff shamelessly here for several reasons
- He models the boldness, brashness and audacity that women secretly love.
- He is completely his own man. You may not like him or agree with him on everything he says but he’s not going to change to placate you.
- He is DEEP.
I have to admit I was at first a bit resistant to Ross. But after checking out a bunch of other programs for help with breaking the ice and having conversations with women that led to more than “Just Friends”. I was still stuck. I have to admit I was a bit desperate when I decided to check out his basic speed seduction program.
I was blown away by the quality and the power of his approach. I started using his methods and got results right away.
Here’s an example from his blog post today.
The Power Of Letting It Go by Ross Jeffries
“Too often, we are taught that to get something we really want or a change we really want in ourselves, we have to constantly think about it, keeping our “goal” in the front of our mind.
In other words, we’re taught to “get psyched“.
This over-motivation is a load of crap that just keeps people stuck.
You have to find the proper level of motivation to create change, and that involves knowing when to just dismiss it from your mind and let it go.
It’s sort of like baking cookies in an oven.
If you put the dough in the oven but keep opening the oven door every 30 seconds to check if the cookies are done, they will never get finished!
In fact, this constant thinking if you are progressing or not or if it is working is just another form of doubt. You see, “hope” and “doubt” are really the same thing. They both involve uncertainty…”
This is a perfect example of How Brilliantly Ross Jeffries communicates.
In an extremely few words he first identifies a common pattern of thinking that we tend to not question. Then he challenges it, turns it upside down and inside out so we can see what bullshit we’ve been fed all our lives… then he uses a simple illustration (continually checking to see if the cookies are done) which your unconscious mind can literally grab onto to “get” what he’s explaining. He then redefines the limiting pattern or belief and challenges you to take action.
That’s why Ross Jeffries blows the other guys away.
To get his free newsletter just Let Go Of Your Doubts and click the link below:
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