Hey my sweet and wonderful Transformation Nation…
A Quick Update:
1. Today! The Power of Intention!
Today I’m going to be collaborating with Ms. Bethany Gonyea At “The Spirit Tree” in Latham NY.
Ms. Gonyea will be be giving the message (and she’s awesome). I will support the message
with my MUSIC… some of which I might even make up on the spot as I get inspired by her thoughts…
To hear one of our previous collaborations check out:
Be The Change (from my new CD, “The Key To Your Cage”:o)
The details:
Music and Message:
Why Live By Intention? Does Prayer Make a Difference?
December 3 at 2:00 PM
Bethany Gonyea, Global Peaceful Cities Project Founder
Mark Shepard, Award Winning Singer/Songwriter
Where: Spirit Tree Connections
987 New Loudon Road,
Cohoes, NY (for gps)
(next door to Century house on Route 9, Latham)
Bethany Writes:
In this talk I will discuss how I have answered my own challenging questions of why it is important to live with intention, and how prayer works. I have come to understand that intentions are an organizing element that help shape our experiences into patterns, similar to iron filings being drawn to a magnet in an organized pattern. If we don’t emit an organized magnetic signal, we create by default and our feedback from the Universe is much more random. We will discuss that these disciplines are not so effective necessarily because they change things outside of us…but because they change the inside of us. Prayer and intention changes our energetic fields, which means that after completing intentions or prayers we are able to access different potentials that were eclipsed before in our unconscious state. written by, Bethany Gonyea
Bethany Gonyea
Take advantage of this historic opportunity to “vote with your heart” ❤️and have it count by Participating in the Albany Peace Project
Not local?
No worries. I’ll be recording it and uploading it onto my Youtube channel.
2. You’re Gonna Need To Know This…
Remember when the Internet was new? Remember when email was new? Remember when Cell phones were new? Remember when you first saw someone with an I-phone?
Something equally world changing is happening NOW. And You are gonna need to know about it. Discover it and benefit from it BEFORE everybody else! Discover how I turned a tiny amount of money into enough moolah to fund my NEXT CD. EXPONENTIAL GROWTH PEOPLE… Seriously. You need to know about this.
Check out my daily Youtube program: The Morning Cryptos
3. My New CD:
“The Key To Your Cage”
Download my brand new CD, “The Key To Your Cage”
You can listen to it first fer nuthin. It only costs $7 bucks (you can pay more if you want to).
Full transparency in case you think you’re support doesn’t matter. It DOES MATTER.
So far 2 people have taken the plunge: My Dad who paid $10 and Gene Moore who plays on the CD and he paid $20. It cost me close to $10,000 to record and I have no regrets. I would just be nice to have someone actually hear it and get it.
You also get access to my full “back catalog” when you go for it.
hope to see you later.
P.S. One last thing:
4. SAVE THIS DATE! 12/29/2017
December 29th I will be at Stable Gate Farm along with Albany Ecstatic Dance.
I’ll be doing my Sound Healing Hypnosis PLUS a Drumming Circle.
12/29 Mantra Lounge Themed Holiday Party with
Albany Ecstatic Dance and Mark Shepard!
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